Millbrook Primary School
‘Learning about caring; caring about learning’
In addition to the previously listed key worker groups, childcare settings will now take applications from two additional key worker groups. These are: • Food and other necessary goods • Utilities, communication and financial services. To apply, go to:
Eligible parents of mainstream school children who are currently in Reception to Year 7 can apply for a place for childcare provision.
Places should not be requested for children who, based on government advice, should be self-isolating or socially distancing.
Eligibility is:
Due to the limited capacity of schools, initially places will only be considered for the following key worker groups:
Extending applications to other key worker groups will be under continuous review.
Children will need to bring a packed lunch except those eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) who will be given lunch.
Pupil transport will not be available during this period unless it is for a specific child who is accessing transport to Maes Ebbw School or Ysgol Bryn Derw.
Schools will not be delivering formal learning but are operating a childcare facility.
Applications can be made via the online application form.
Click the ‘guest’ option on the log in page or you can use / set up an NCC login.
This round of applications will close at 10am on Monday 30 March.
Parents will be informed by individual schools if they have a place. This will done as soon as possible.