Millbrook Primary School
‘Learning about caring; caring about learning’
Welcome to Silver Birch
Take a look at our Blended Learning Menu added at the bottom of this page. It is also on our Google Classroom.
Don't forget to take a look at Mathletics as well!
Pob lwc.
Bore da, sut wyt ti? 😊
This week it is Chinese New Year and Safer Internet Day on Tuesday. Therefore our learning will be based around these two topics this week.
We will also be practising telling the time and I have added a game for you on our Google Classroom.
Remember to fill in the All About Me sheet I have added on our Google Classroom for our Google Meet today. You do not have to talk during our session if you do not want to.
I look forward to seeing you all at 10.30am! 👋🏻
I am so proud of your creative research Silver Birch about the plants that live in the rainforest.
I have set you all a colouring challenge added below!
It is from the author of the book we have read in school - The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse.
Make sure to email me your colourings!
I can’t wait to see all your hard-work this week on our Google Classroom.
Remember to think of your clues for the rainforest animal game on our Google Meet today.
I am so impressed with all of your hard work Silver Birch learning and researching our new topic of The Rainforest!
You have thought of some great learning ideas which I can’t wait to explore with you.
Remember to read our Code of Conduct before our Google Meets on Monday and Thursday.
Take a look below at some of your research and maps!
Bore da, I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for a great week of home-learning!
Google Meet today at 10.30am.
Take a look at our Google Classroom for all your tasks!
You all have been doing some amazing work at home. Take a look below at your mindfulness breathing techniques we practised last week.
Wow Silver Birch, I am so proud of you all! Take a look at some of your fantastic home-learning below.
Dal ati - keep up the great work!
I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your Christmas Day.
Bore da!
There will be 3 learning activities posted everyday on Google Classroom while we are home-learning. These activities will include one math, one literacy and one well-being activity.
Please contact me on my email address below if you need any additional support logging into Google Classroom or Mathletics.