Millbrook Primary School
‘Learning about caring; caring about learning’
Hi Willow Class,
PE will be on a Wednesday, please could your child wear their PE kit into school on this day.
Forest school will be every other Thursday. Our days for forest school this half term are:
24th June and the 8th July
Please ensure that your child is dressed for all weathers on this day and has a pair of wellies in school.
Our transition day will take place on Friday 2nd July. Letters will be sent home soon with more information regarding this day.
Many thanks for your continued support
Mrs Caddy
It was lovely to welcome all the children back to Willow class after the half term and it is has been wonderful to hear their news and stories about what they have been up to.
This half term PE will be on a Wednesday, please could your child wear their PE kit into school on this day.
Forest school will be every other Thursday. Our days for forest school this half term are:
10th, 24th June and the 8th July
Please ensure that your child is dressed for all weathers on this day and has a pair of wellies in school.
Many thanks for your continued support
Mrs Caddy
Week commencing 17-5-21
Please see the blended learning plan below for ideas on how to support your child with their learning at home.
PE will be every Wednesday, please ensure that your child wears their PE kit on this day.
Forest school will be every other Thursday. Please ensure that your child comes suitably dressed and ready for ALL weathers. They will need to have a pair of wellies in a bag that is clearly labelled.
Our last Forest school for this half term will be on the 20th of May.
We will be outdoors all day, please ensure that your child is dressed suitably to thoroughly enjoy the day.
Week Commencing 4/5/21
We had great fun in school last week celebrating our 100th day in Willow Class. We have been counting how many days we have been in school since we all started together in September and the children were very excited to finally reach 100 days!
Thank you for your support in making this a fun and successful day for all the children.
See the blended learning plan below for ideas on how to support your child with their learning at home.
PE will be every Wednesday, please ensure that your child wears their PE kit on this day.
Forest school will be every other Thursday. Please ensure that your child comes suitably dressed and ready for ALL weathers. They will need to have a pair of wellies in a bag that is clearly labelled with their name in school.
Our Forest school dates for this term are:
6th and the 20th of May
Week commencing 19th April 2021
This term our topic is 'A World of Imagination'
We will be following the children's interests and looking at a range of different stories that inspire and engage the children with their learning.
This week the children have been designing their own imaginary world, thinking about the setting, its characteristics and who might live there.
See the blended learning plan below for ideas on how to support your child with their learning at home.
PE will be every Wednesday, please ensure that your child wears their PE kit on this day.
Forest school will be every other Thursday. Please ensure that your child comes suitably dressed and ready for ALL weathers. They will need to have a pair of wellies in a bag that is clearly labelled with their name in school.
Our Forest school dates for this term are:
22nd April, 6th and the 20th of May
Week commencing 22nd March
We have had a wonderful few weeks being back in school ,and it has been lovely to spend time together talking, learning and playing.
After the Easter break our PE sessions will continue to be every Wednesday. Please ensure your child wears their PE kit to school on this day.
Forest school will be once a fortnight. Please ensure that your child comes to school suitably dressed for all weathers and that they have a pair of wellies in a bag that is clearly labelled with their name on it.
Forest school dates for next term are:
22nd April, and the 6th and 20th May.
I hope you all have a relaxing break and I will see you in April ready for a fun filled summer term.
Mrs Caddy
Week Commencing 8/3/21
It has been wonderful to have so many of you return back to school and I have enjoyed hearing about all the fun things you have been up to.
I am very pleased with how the whole class has settled back into our school routine and I think that everyone is really pleased to see each other.
PE will be every Wednesday - Please come to school in your PE kit on this day.
Forest School will continue to be every other Thursday. Our next Forest school session will be on Thursday the 18th March. Please ensure that your child is suitable dressed for all weathers and has a pair of wellies in school that is in a labelled carrier bag.
Please see below our blended learning plan.
It has been lovely to have the children back in class and I look forward to continuing our fun learning journey together!
Hi Willow Class,
I have been blown away by all your hard work and dedication to our online learning. I am enjoying seeing everything that you get up to and I am very proud of you all.
Every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 10am we will get together via Google Meet to share news or play a game. I will post in Google Classroom what the theme for that day will be in advance of our meeting. Remember that you need to have signed the permission form to join the meeting. Please phone the office or email me if you require any help with this.
See below some pictures of the wonderful things that Willow Class have been doing during this lockdown.
Speak to you soon and stay safe
Mrs Caddy
Wednesday 6th January
Good morning Willow Class,
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New year.
I have uploaded today's home learning tasks on to our Google classroom page. If you have any problems accessing the work then please do not hesitate to contact me.
I will be making phone calls to speak to you all over the next fortnight so although I am missing you, I hope to speak to you all very soon.
Take Care and Stay Safe
Mrs Caddy
Week Commencing 7th December 2020
Hi Willow Class,
You were all fantastic singing our Christmas song - you blew me away! Well done Willow Class, I am very proud of you all. If you haven't seen the video yet, I have uploaded it onto our Google Classroom page with a couple of other songs and a Christmas message.
There will be NO forest School on 10th December because it is our Christmas party day in class.
Please find the blended learning menu below for this fortnight. There are lots of fun activities for you to try on Google classroom and I can't wait to see your different snowman creations on there!
See you all soon
Mrs Caddy
Week Commencing
Hi Willow Class,
Here is the blended learning menu for this fortnight. If you haven't done so yet, please try to log into Hwb and have a look at our Google Classroom page as I have put more information and activities on there for the class. I will also be uploading out Christmas photos and videos on there in the coming weeks.
Please can you ensure that you send your child in with a piece of fruit each day for snack time.
Christmas Cards
This year because of Covid we are asking each child to bring in ONE card for the whole class. We will share the card with the class and display it in our classroom.
Take a look at the following dates for your diary:
PE is every Wednesday - Please can your child wear their own, suitable sports clothes on this day.
Forest School is every other Thursday - Our last Forest School day for this term is the 10th of December. It is important that your child comes to school in suitable outdoor clothing on this day so that they can fully enjoy forest school whatever the weather. Please ensure your child has a pair of wellies and warm clothing that is labelled with their name.
Friday 4th December - We will be decorating our classroom, with decorations that the children will help to make.
Monday 7th December - Elf Day at Millbrook. You may dress up as an Elf on this day if you wish to. We have lots of fun Elf themed activities planned, including the Elf pantomime to watch in class.
Wednesday 9th December - Christmas lunch will be served in class.
Thursday 10th December - Christmas party in class. You may wear your party clothes to school on this day. Party games and fun will be had in the classroom. Please don't send in any party food or drink.
Friday 11th December - Christmas Jumper Day in aid of Save the Children. Donations can be made via our Just giving page closer to the day.
Mathletics - Please continue to do the weekly task that is set on mathletics as this will support your child with their learning at home.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me. My email address is
Thank you all for your continued support
Mrs Caddy
Week Commencing 9/11/20
It was lovely to talk to so many of you last week during our parent consultation phone call. I am very proud of all the children in Willow Class and the progress that they are all making. If you were unable to make the phone call and would still like to speak to me about your child's learning then please don't hesitate to ask me to rearrange your appointment.
Please see the fortnightly overview below for your child's learning. There are lots of ideas, games and songs on here that you can use to support your child's learning at home. Please could you also log into Google Classroom on Hwb, using the guidelines and passwords I recently sent home. This is also new to me, but hopefully, we will learn how to use it together and it will strengthen connections between school and home learning.
Friday 13th November is Children in Need. Your child can come to school wearing Spotty clothes on this day. Please DO NOT bring any money in as we cannot accept it but there is a 'Just Giving Children in Need Page' that you can donate money to.
PE is every Wednesday - Please can your child wear their own suitable sports clothes on this day.
Forest School is every other Thursday - Our Forest School dates for this term are the 12th and 26th of November, and the10th of December. It is important that you child comes to school in suitable outdoor clothing on this day so that they can fully enjoy forest school whatever the weather. Please ensure your child has a pair of wellies and warm clothing that is labelled with their name.
Mathletics - Please continue to do the weekly task that is set on mathletics as this will support your child with their learning at home.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me. My email address is
Thank you all for your continued support
Mrs Caddy
Week commencing 19th October 2020
We have had a very busy half term in Willow Class, and I am very pleased with all the hard work and progress that all the children have made - Bendigedig everyone!
This week I will be sending home the children's Hwb login details along with a helpful guide to show you how to use it to support your child with their learning at home. Eventually all work set will be through Hwb and Google classroom, just as the children in the Junior school are doing at the moment.
Please see below our fortnightly blended learning plan. I will also put this on Hwb. Your child will be able to use Hwb to send me work if they want me to see anything that they have done at home.
PE is on a Wednesday.
Could your child please wear their PE kit to school on this day to support the current social distancing measures that are in place.
Our last Forest school session this half term is Thursday 22nd October.
Could you please provide your child with some wellies that can be left in school and ensure that they are labelled with your child's name. They can also wear suitable warm, outdoor clothing on this day - it does not have to be uniform.
A weekly mathletics task has been set for your child to do at home to support their learning.
I will update this page fortnightly but should you have any questions please contact me via the email below and I will respond as soon as possible.
Thank you for your continued support.
Week Commencing 5/10/20
Willow class have had lots of fun this past fortnight exploring light and darkness. We even made our own rainbows in class!
Please keep checking our school Twitter page for photos of our learning.
Have a look at the menu below for ideas on how you can support your child's learning at home.
PE will be on a Wednesday
Could your child please wear their PE kit to school on this day to support the current social distancing measures that are in place.
Forest School will be every other Thursday
Our Forest school dates for the rest of this half term are the 8th and 22nd of October.
Could you please provide your child with some wellies that can be left in school and please ensure that they have your child's name on them. Your child can wear suitable warm, outdoor clothing on this day - it does not have to be uniform.
A weekly mathletics task has been set for your child to do at home to support their learning.
I will update this page fortnightly but should you have any questions please contact me via the email below and I will respond as soon as possible.
Thank you for your continued support.
Monday 28th September
I am so proud of how well all the children have settled into school and they are all working very hard in class. It was a pleasure to take them to the 'Secret Garden' last week and we had lots of fun finding Autumn Treasures!
This week we will be continuing to work on the story of 'The Lighhouse Keepers lunch' and we will be writing a sentence about our favourite part of the story. We will be focusing on the structure of the sentence, ensuring that we remember to use finger spaces, full stops and capital letters correctly.
Our red words for this week are: for he is are
Please try practising these words at home using flashcards. You can also get your child to write them using different coloured pens to make rainbow words and reinforce their learning at home.
This week we are continuing to work on the formation of our numbers and ensuring that they are facing the correct way.
We will be investigating how many different ways we can make ten and we will be practising to write a number sentence to show our discoveries.
There is a Mathleteics task set for you to try at home to support our learning in school if you would like to try it.
Today in class we have been practising to log into Purple mash independently. The children then used the 2paint programme to create their own lighthouse picture. You can also try this at home using your log in details that were sent home with your child. If you have lost your login details, please let me know and I will get the information for you.
Please remember to send a piece of fruit in with your child daily as we cannot provide fruit in school at the moment.
PE is every Wednesday. Please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on this day.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me, me email address is
Keep checking Twitter- I will be adding photos throughout the week so you can see all the fun things that we get up to.
Welcome to Willow Class
It has been lovely to welcome all the children into Willow Class this week and we have enjoyed getting to know them all. They are a wonderful class and we are looking forward to a fun year ahead!
Our topic for this term is 'Starry Nights and Twinkly Lights' and we have started by reading the 'Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch'. We have been exploring why the light at the top of the lighthouse is important and how it helps to keep people safe.
We have also been talking about what we already know about light and have discussed things that we would like to learn and find out to develop our knowledge further.
Have a look at all the wonderful ideas and questions that the children came up with below:
PE will be on a Wednesday
Could your child please wear their PE kit to school on this day to support the current social distancing measures that are in place.
Forest School will be every other Thursday beginning on September 24th
Could you please provide your child with some wellies that can be left in school and please ensure that they have your child's name on them.
Mathletics and Purple Mash passwords were sent home earlier this week. I will be setting a weekly mathletics task for your child to do at home to support their learning.
We are looking forward to sharing a wonderful year together in Willow Class, that will be full of lots of fun, laughter and learning together!
Should you have any questions please contact me via the email below and I will respond as soon as possible.