Millbrook Primary School
‘Learning about caring; caring about learning’
The Governing Body of Millbrook Primary School
Our Governing Body is committed to supporting and challenging our school to be the best that it can be; to deliver its mission to help the whole community, "Learning about caring, caring about learning."
Executive Headteacher - Mrs Jaci Bates
Head of School - Mrs Emma Payne
Chair of Governing Body - Mr Jason Jordan (LA Governor)
Vice Chair of Governing Body - Mrs Sarah Hodge (Parent Governor)
Community Governors
Mr Graham Maher
Mr Owen Williams
Mr Matthew Rees
Mr Neil Griffiths
LA Governors
Cllr Jason Jordan
Staff Governors
Miss Phillipa Bennett (Teaching Staff)
Miss Jade Tovey (Support Staff)
Mrs Jaci Bates (Executive Headteacher)
Parent Governors
Mrs Sarah Yemm
Mrs Amy Shea
Mrs Sarah-Jane Bishop
Non-voting co-opted governors
Mrs Emma Payne (Head of School)
Governors’ Responsibilities
Governors, in conjunction with the Headteacher, are responsible for the general conduct of the school, including the curriculum, discipline and staff appointments. Since 1st April 1990, responsibility for the whole of the school's financial affairs has been delegated to the Governing Body. Governors are also responsible for preparing an annual written report to parents and for holding an annual meeting with the parents to discuss this report and other matters concerning the school. Governors serve for a term of four years.
Our governors are a key part of our learning organisation and are constantly learning, asking questions and researching to help our school to continue to strive for improvement.
See Policies and Information for Governing Body Report to Parents.