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Millbrook Primary School

‘Learning about caring; caring about learning’

Acorns – Nursery








Oh dear I’ve just had a message from little Ted saying he’s feeling left out I didn’t add his photo on. Sorry little Ted I didn’t mean to do this😘😘😘



















Message from Mrs Jones

Hello everyone x
I haven't seen you for a while because I have been a little bit poorly. But I am better now and would like you to meet Big Ted and Little Ted. They have been looking after me. Everyday they would read me a story. Who is your special friend and what do you like to do together?
Take care and we shall see you soon x
Miss Jones and the Teddies x





                                                                              Welcome to Acorns Class!


Home Learning for Nursery children


Here is a list of activities to help keep your children busy:

  • Painting or drawing a picture. You can mix this up by using different objects to print with paint. We've used half an apple to make poppies, our handprints to make trees and celery to make roses.
  • Practising cutting and sticking skills by using recycled materials or scraps of materials to create collages or junk modelling.
  • Reading your favourite story together or letting your child explore a picture book. They love looking at the pictures and 'telling' the story. 
  • Singing Nursery rhymes- 5 fat sausages is our favourite at the moment! Mr Tumble has lots of sing and sign Nursery rhymes on YouTube. 
  • Baking together. We've had lots of fun lately in Nursery making cupcakes, cornflake cakes and pancakes!
  • Going for a walk. We love searching for bugs in Forest School, this is a brilliant opportunity to do the same! Try looking under fallen logs or rocks. The children love gathering materials from the floor, try looking for fallen leaves, pinecones or acorns.
  • Playdough is lots of fun for the children and we explore with it with lots of different ways. Cookie cutters, rolling pins, sticks or any recycled materials such as milk bottle caps or lolly sticks make great tools for the playdough. If you don't have any ready made playdough, our recipe is: 2 cups of flour, 1/2 cup salt, a little bit of vegetable oil and 1 cup of water (plus food colouring if you like) then knead together, just be careful not to make it too wet and sticky!


We can't wait to hear about what you have got up to with your home learning! Send us pictures via twitter @FpPrimary or @MillbrookP

What have we been up to in March?

This month we've been busy making Mother's Day cards. We used celery to print roses and decorated a plant pot to stick onto the card. We have had lots of dressing up this month! First, we celebrated St David's Day by dressing up in Welsh national dress and decorating love spoons. We also celebrated World Book Day and the children dressed up as their favourite book character. For sports relief we wore sports kits or sporty clothes. 

In March, we learnt about Stranger Danger and the importance of keeping us safe. 

We've also been looking at a beautiful painting of a lake and daffodils on the wall of our makers room and the children have had opportunities to recreate it by painting or drawing, their pictures are now on display in the makers room.

March in Nursery

What have we been up to in February?

In February we looked at Healthy Eating and why we need to eat healthy foods like fruit and vegetables. We also tried some new fruits like cherries, kiwi and mango!

Wales won against Italy in the Six Nations and we celebrated by making our own Welsh flags. 

We made beautiful cards for Valentines Day by using a white crayon to make a secret pattern before painting over the top with water colour paints to reveal the magic white hearts! The children enjoyed making these so much they painted another one, drawing a pattern of their choice, which are on display in the classroom. 

We also made yummy cornflake cakes to celebrate the end of term!

We need more baking after half term and made pancakes for Shrove Tuesday! This helped us with our measuring and fine motor skills, and they were yummy as a treat with chocolate spread!

February in Nursery

What have we been up to in January?

After the Christmas holidays, we found out what the children had been up to and what their favourite presents were!

We looked at the book 'The Rainbow Fish' and the children wanted to make their own Rainbow Fish. We worked together as a class to make a collaborative piece of art where each child decorated their own scale. We sang '1, 2, 3, 4,5. Once I caught a fish alive...' and pretended to go fishing in Forest School. We also played a fishing game in Nursery where we had to catch different coloured magnetic fish using magnets on fishing rods.

We also had a visit from the dentist to have fluoride applied and learnt about keeping our teeth healthy! 

We learnt all about Chinese New Year. We learnt the story of the Chinese zodiac animals and the sneaky rat! The children also made Chinese dragon masks and decorated dragons. Then, we tried lots of Chinese food- the prawn crackers were our favourite! On YouTube we watched a traditional Chinese Dragon dance and the children loved joining in and taking it in turns to drum along to the beat. 

The children noticed the daffodils they had planted were starting to bloom in the Nursery garden, so we bought some daffodils in to explore and had a go drawing them.  

We also explored lots of new books and had a go 'telling' the story from the pictures.

January in Nursery
