Millbrook Primary School
‘Learning about caring; caring about learning’
Monday 13th July
Bore da! This is our last week of school! What a strange year it has been! Mrs Pike and myself have thoroughly enjoyed teaching you all and having you as part of our Cedar Class family. Those of you who are currently in Year 4, Mr Manship and I are very excited to see what Year 5 has in store for us all and we can’t wait to be a part of Sensational Sycamore class! Those of you going into Year 6, we will miss you but we will still be classroom neighbours, so will keep in touch.
This week, there are some fun tasks on Google classroom for you to pick and choose.
I’d also like you to have a think back and reflect on this last year. Can you create a poster with one half looking at the things you enjoyed from this year, and the other half, with things you are looking forward to and you would like to experience next year. If you keep these safe, we’d love you to bring them with you when school starts back in September.
I’ve also attached a link to a survey to find out what you’ve enjoyed learning about and what you would like to explore in September. Please can you fill it in, it will only take 1 minute.
Lastly, we hope you have a wonderful summer holiday and continue to look after each other.
Mrs George and Mrs Pike
Monday 6th July
Bore da, good morning Cedar class. Sut wyt ti? How are you?
We hope you are all ok and had a good weekend, despite the lack of sunshine.
This week we are looking at the Tour de France and bikes. There are activities and powerpoints on Google Classroom for you. Please let us know if you have any problems accessing them.
Here are some activities you can have a go at:
Can you find France on a map? Compare France with the UK.
In France, people speak French. Can you find out how to count to 10 in French?
Can you create a poster to show how to be safe when riding your bike? What do you need to wear etc?
What is the Tour de France? Find out more from the Newsround clip below.
There are 4 jerseys (tops) to be won. Can you find out what the white, green, polka dot and yellow jerseys mean? Then, can you design a new jersey for the race.
Geraint Thomas is from Cardiff. He won the 2018 Tour de France. Can you research all about him and his life?
You could also research Bradley Wiggins and Chris Froome, who are also UK winners.
Can you use recycling items (eg toilet rolls, cardboard etc) to create a bike or a vehicle with wheels?
If you haven’t completed the postcard message for your friends, please can you take a look at it and hand it in on Google Classroom. We will then share all your messages so you can reply to each other.
As always, take care and keep safe
Monday 29th June
Bore da bawb, good morning everyone. Some of you will be returning to school this week. We have put pictures of the classroom on the website below and there are videos to see where you have to go to enter and exit school. Mr Watkins is excited to show you the way!
We thought it would be a lovely activity if you could all write a postcard message to each other this week. The postcard template is on Google Classroom for you to type your message on. We would like you all to do one, whether you are returning to school or staying home. It will be nice for you to hear from friends you haven’t seen in a while.
If you have problems accessing Google Classroom, please email and let us know (; )
The topic for learning this week is Wimbledon/Tennis.
What is tennis and how do you play it?
Research famous UK tennis players. Find out their life story and how they got to where they are.
Can you look back at the different designs of tennis rackets and tennis outfits through the years. Put them on a timeline from the past up to the year 2020.
What and where are Henman Hill and Murray Mound?
The four most famous tennis tournaments in the world are known as the Grand Slam tournaments or the Majors. They consist of the Wimbledon Championships, the French Open, the Australian Open and the US Open. Choose one to research further.
The Wimbledon Gentlemen’s Singles Trophy and the Ladies’ Singles Trophy are amazing trophies to look at. They are very different in style and design. Find out what they look like and then design your own trophies (they can be different shapes, sizes, patterns etc). As a challenge, see if you can make them symmetrical.
Find out what strawberries and cream have to do with tennis.
Wimbledon is a place in the UK. Find it on a map. How far away is it from Newport? Can you write down directions on how to get there? What roads do you take?
Similar to last week, can you write a story or diary entry in the life of a tennis ball? What happens to you, where do you go, what do you see? Use your 5 senses to help you with this.
OR, write a newspaper article about a tennis match where something goes missing. Remember to get comments from witnesses, add a picture and include factual information.
Lots more resources can be found on Google classroom.
As always, please get in touch if we can help in any way. Continue to stay safe and well
Monday 22nd June
Bore da bawb, good morning everyone. We’re continuing our work on money this week.
Here are some tasks you could have a go at:
Needs and wants. Can you make a list of 5 things you really want (like a birthday wish list), and 5 things you need? Are these different? Ask members of your family their needs and wants.
Debate - should you work for your pocket money?
Can you think of all the different ways we pay for items? Not just cash and bank card.
When would you use cash for things? When is it better to use card?
Research the different types of money around the world. We use pounds and pence but if you travel to France you have to pay in Euros. What do other countries use?
Imagine you are a pound coin taped inside someone’s birthday card. They have put you in an envelope and posted you in the post box. Write a story about an adventure you have. Remember you are small and round, so you may roll to lots of different places and everything will be large in size.
Next week, some of you will be returning to school and some of you will continue to stay at home. We'd like to know how you've all got on during this time so far, so we've put an activity on Google classroom and there's a pdf copy below to guide your answers.
Purple Mash and Mathletics have both been updated for you, and there are some English and Maths tasks below. Please feel free to pick and choose your activities, whatever works for you and your families.
As always, if you would like to get in touch with us, please feel free to drop us an email. We would love to hear from you.
Please continue to look after each other and take care
Monday 15th June
Bore da, good morning everyone. The next two weeks are going to have a money theme to them, as we would have been taking part in “My Money Week” next week had we still been in school.
This week we are looking at jobs.
What jobs do members of your family and family friends have? Do you know what they do in these jobs? Can you find out more about them?
What would you like to be when you grow up? Can you research this job and find out more about it? You may like the idea of several jobs or have lots of different ideas. See if you can explore what they all entail.
Have a think about what skills you have at the moment and what skills you might need to learn as you get older that will help you with your dream job.
Imagine you are King or Queen for the day...
If you were King or Queen for the day, what would you do all day? Would you pass any new laws and what would they be?
What do you think the Queen’s job entails? What does she have to do in her role? Explore this further and see if you can find out.
What would your palace and grounds look like? Can you draw a birds eye view map of your land and what would be on it? Then draw a plan of your palace and the different rooms you would have.
Can you design a new coin and a new note with your head on it?
What jobs would you give to members of your family around the palace/grounds (e.g who would be the cook, gardener, chauffeur)? Think about the different skills involved.
If you could give lots of money to 3 charities, which ones would you choose and why?
Mrs Watkins has posted a video for you on the Family Room Facebook page, all about family and looking after each other.
We hope you are all still well and taking care of each other.
As always, Purple mash, Mathletics and Google classroom have all been updated for this week.
If you would like to get in touch, please feel free to email us.
Until next week, take care and stay safe
Monday 8th June
Bore da Cedar class. We hope you are still well and keeping busy. Mrs Watkins has put another video for you on the Facebook Family Room page so please feel free to take a look.
This week we are looking at the different oceans around the world.
* Can you find out how many there are and their names?
Use BBC bitesize for information and video clips
* Research the different creatures that live in the ocean. Scientists have found almost 1,500 new creatures in the world's oceans last year.
* Can you use recycling items to create your own ocean scene or sea life creatures (toilet roll fish etc)
* Sir David Attenborough has made lots of programmes on wildlife and the planet. Recently he did a programme called “Blue Planet”. Can you find out more about him and how he’s helped the planet and people’s attitudes to looking after it?
There are some video clips attached below to support your research.
Please continue to take care of yourselves and feel free to get in touch via email if we can help with anything at all.
Monday 1st June
Bore da pawb! Good morning Cedar, we hope you had a lovely half term week off and enjoyed the sunshine.
This week, your tasks are focused on you. You all have different hobbies and interests. Some of you will have done clubs and activities before lock down that you love and enjoy (gymnastics, football, singing etc). Some of you will now have new things that you have started during lock down that you enjoy (cooking, photography, reading, drawing, interest in nature etc). This week, can you create a mini project about your hobby? You can use paper and pens or record on Google slides.
Include writing, facts, pictures etc. Are there any famous people that enjoy your hobby, any videos explaining it, any interesting facts/recipes/pictures to draw etc? We'd love to see what you all enjoy doing.
Purple Mash and Mathletics have both been updated for you, and there are some English and Maths tasks below. Please feel free to pick and choose your activities, whatever works for you and your families.
We are missing you all. You are doing a great job during this tricky time. Continue to take care of yourselves and each other.
Monday 18th May
Bore da Cedar. We hope everyone is safe and well. One of this weeks topics is linked to Mrs Watkins message. On Thursday 21st May it is Outdoor Learning day. As a school we would have undertaken a variety of activities in Forest School and our other outdoor areas. If possible we would like you to have a go at an outdoor activity this week. There are a few links with lots of ideas of activities ti try. You might recognize Lucy who helps us with the litter picks and we worked with her at 14 Locks last Summer
There are lots of easy ideas for you to try
Make a face with twigs, leaves, grass , stones that you find in the garden.
Make a mini garden on an old tray or tin lid.
How many different shades of green can you find outside?
Make a bird feeder out of a plastic milk bottle.
Make a hanging plant pot out of a plastic bottle, yogurt pot.
Plant seeds in recycled plastic food containers eg tomato, grapes or mushroom containers.
If you dont have a packet of seeds, you could try apple pips.
Make a den for your toys or yourself.
Sketch some of the plants.
Make a list of the birds that you see.
This week we're also including two mini topics below. You can pick and choose what activities you would like to have a go at. As we have half term next week, we won't be setting any work for you to complete. However, if you want to have a go at one of the mini topics as you are interested in them or want to keep busy, please feel free. As always, these are all ideas of different activities you can try. If you have your own mini topics going on or you're busy doing other things like cooking, creating and being imaginative, that's fantastic too.
It’s National Smile Month so we’re focusing on teeth and making people smile.
Find out and label the different names our teeth have. How many do we have and is this number the same as when we’re 5 and 55?
Why is it important to keep our teeth clean?
What is inside a tooth?
Find out why our teeth are different to those of a dog, shark, cow etc
Can you create a poster to display to make people smile?
Jokes encourage people to smile and laugh. Can you tell your favourite joke to someone you live with? What’s their favourite joke?
Don’t forget to spread your smile to people you see when you go for your daily walks!
It was also meant to be our Sports Day this week. So we have some sporting activities planned.
Research your favourite sports person and find out about their life
If you do a sport outside of school, write an information booklet about it for others to read
Design your own sports day. What races would you have? They can be sensible or silly.
If you could enter a new race into our sports day, what would it be?
Create and take part in your own obstacle course with things around your house.
Can you draw a target and try to hit it? You could use rolled up socks, paper aeroplanes etc
Can you design a new sports kit/outfit or shoe. This could be for football, a gymnastics leotard, a golf shirt etc
Remember, Joe Wicks is on every morning to help keep us moving
As always, please get in touch if we can help in any way. Continue to stay safe and well
Monday 11th May
Bore da, good morning everyone. We hope you had a lovely time on VE Day, enjoying the celebration and eating lots of nice things.
This week the theme is Florence Nightingale. It’s her birthday Tuesday 12th May and it would have been her 200th birthday.
You can find out more information from the BBC here
And also here
Can you find out why she was called “the lady with the lamp”?
Research how different hospitals were 200 years ago to our hospitals now.
Design a new medal for our NHS nurses today to show how much we appreciate them.
Florence Nightingale is famous because she made a difference. Despite us still being in lockdown, can you try and do one thing a day to make a difference to your family, your community, people you see?
You could put a positive poster in your window, pick up some litter on your daily walk, do something helpful at home without being asked, send a friend or family member a message to cheer them up, smile at someone on your walk, make a card and send it to someone in a nursing home to let them know you’re thinking of them (see link below). These are a few ideas but you may have some of your own.
Junk model task- try and make a lamp/lantern out of recycling items at home. If you are stuck for an idea, try and remember the lanterns we made in Mandarin.
Do you remember the salmon lady who came to visit us last Summer? Well she enjoyed her visit so much and thought we were so enthusiastic that she has sent us some activities to try.
Please see email below from Collette at The Wye & Usk Foundation with some great new resources!
Dear Millbrook
You were so fantastic when I visited that I thought you might like these activities
While schools are closed during the COVID-19 outbreak, the Foundation is hoping to help families by providing fun, active, creative and innovative learning opportunities to enable children to find out all about our amazing rivers and their wildlife.
Every week we’ll be posting a short interactive video featuring the Salmon Lady, her trusty friends Sioni and Sam and an activity sheet. Don’t worry grown-ups there are information and answer sheets for you, plus you don’t need any special kit or equipment! To see our first one about the water cycle just click on this link
If you have questions or your children come up with their own wonderful water jokes, do please pass them on to me
Kindest regards
Also Mrs Watkins has asked us to write letters to the people who live in care homes as they are not allowed to have visitors at the moment. This will help to cheer them up. Our class and Maple have already made links with the older people and they love the contact they have made with us. You can write your letter and put it on the website or google classroom or email it to the lady below. Here's the email of the lady who is in charge of the project. If you would like to write a letter on paper, she will let you know how to send it
What a lovely idea to cheer someone up!
Mathletics, purple mash and google classroom are all updated regularly for you to access a range of activities and ideas.
Please email us using our addresses (see previous post below) if we can help in any way.
Please continue to look after each other and take care You’re doing a great job!
Monday 4th May
Bore da, good morning Cedar class.
We hope you are all ok and had a good weekend, despite the lack of sunshine.
You will be pleased to know that Friday is a Bank Holiday this week, so no work
The reason for the bank holiday changing from Monday to Friday this year is to remember and acknowledge VE day.
This year marks 75 years since VE Day (Victory in Europe) in 1945.
This is a very important date in our history, so this is our topic of learning for this week.
VE day
Here's ‘We’ll Meet Again’ which was a very famous song from the time:
There are a variety of VE day resources in the Home Learning section of the website and in Purple Mash. Be creative and have fun! As usual We would love to see what you have been doing..
Lots more resources can be found on Google classroom. If you have problems accessing classroom, please email us using our addresses mentioned last week (see post below).
Mathletics, purple mash and google classroom are all updated regularly for you to access a range of ideas.
As always, take care
Monday 27th April
Bore da! Good morning Cedar class.
We hope you all had a lovely weekend and you enjoyed watching us all do the bucket challenge on the Millbrook Family Room Facebook page! If you want to take part, we would love to see your videos and see your smiling faces. Well done to those of you that have already had a go.
As usual, there will be suggested tasks below, there are also tasks set up on Google classroom and Purple Mash, along with updated activities on Mathletics for you to try.
A huge well done to those of you that are having a go at the different activities. Also, thank you for messages that some of you have sent on purple mash and google classroom. It has been lovely hearing from you. It was nice to catch up with your families on the phone. If you would prefer to contact us by email, here are our addresses
Keep up the good work, you are doing an amazing job!!
So, this week...
You can do a fact file about it, draw pictures, explain how to look after it, find out about different varieties of your pet etc.
* Junk model challenge this week*
Try and create a game or board game for you and your family to play. Be inventive and creative with recycling items around the house. You could make a card game, a game like snakes and ladders, a maze or a game with challenge cards that you have to pick up if you land on a certain square. Have fun!
As it is Captain Tom’s 100 birthday this week, you could make a card for him and display it in your window or go on the website and send it to him digitally or even post it to him.
Your weekly English and Maths links are also below.
Please continue to take care and stay safe
Monday 20th April
Bore da Cedar! Welcome back.
We hope you all had a lovely Easter in the sunshine and didn't eat too much chocolate!
Here's some tasks for this week. Mathletics is also updated and purple mash activities are set.
The tasks and information powerpoints are also on Google Classroom.
Don't forget, you can get in touch and send messages on Google classroom too. We'd love to hear from you!
Last week was the anniversary of the first human in space - Yuri Gagarin, so we have some space themed tasks this week!
Alternatively, it is the Queen's birthday tomorrow (21st April) so you could pick a task from those below...
Don't forget the weekly English and Maths task below...
Please feel free to visit Miss Harris and Mrs Passmore on our Millbrook Family Room Facebook page to say hi and keep in touch.
Continue to stay safe and look after one another
Cyber Safety at Home
CEOP have created #OnlineSafetyAtHome activities which can be downloaded free from the ThinkUKnow website at:
The ThinkUKnow website has a range of cartoons, interactive films, and even an online safety game called Band Runner which can be played at:
Police Puzzles, Word Searches and Colouring-in…
Gwent Police have also released a Stay-at-home Heroes Activity Pack, with colouring-in activities, word searches and Sudoku puzzles which can also be downloaded from:
Monday 30th March
Good morning / Bore da bawb!
We hope you are all taking care and looking after each other.
Here are the tasks for this week.
* Create a 'fake' newspaper report ready for April Fools Day.
* Learn about / research why the clocks changed yesterday
* Create a Spring nature picture using only items from your garden or gathered during your daily walk. Use the floor/ground as your "paper". Take a photo of your picture and send it to us.
* Junk model task 2- use any recycling items to design and make a jigsaw. Draw a picture on it, then divide it into squares and cut out. Make smaller squares for a harder puzzle. Challenge members of your family to have a go!
* Time task- research and make your own sundial. You can use, paper, stones and even a person!
Mathletics is updating twice a week with activities and purple mash also has some tasks set.
Look after yourselves
Weekly English and Maths tasks are below:
Monday 23rd March
Good morning Cedar class!
Google Classroom has just been updated with activities/tasks for this week.
You can message on there if you have any problems.
This week:
Look at the Last Supper
I will try and put a link on here this morning for your English task this week. Done - >
Mathletics will be updated after the Joe Wicks session :) Done
As well as this, we have daily Maths and English activities for you to complete. Click on the links below:
Also, feel free to use the google addresses below for extra resources:
Mrs George and Mrs Pike
Friday 20th March
Just a quick note to let you know we will be updating the class page every Monday to add new activities/tasks for the week for you.
Google Classroom will also be updated the beginning of each week. (I will put a help guide up on Monday for you to be able to access this).
Mathletics tasks will be set every Monday and Thursday with something new for the children to try.
We hope you are all keeping safe and looking after yourselves,
Mrs George and Mrs Pike
In the event of school closure, please feel free to use the pack sent home with information and log in details to useful learning sites.
Mathletics tasks will be updated weekly and there will be a variety of activities available on Google Classroom.
Suggestions for the "Famous people" project:
Or research / produce anything linked to "Time"
Welcome to Cedar Class
Croeso dosbarth Cedar
Don't forget parents evening Monday 16th March and Tuesday 17th March.
Mrs Pike and Mrs George are looking forward to showing you books and discussing the great things we've done so far. **Postponed until further notice **