Millbrook Primary School
‘Learning about caring; caring about learning’
Croeso i'r Dosbarth Chestnut!
Mrs S George – Class Teacher
Miss D Stanton - Teaching Assistant
Contact information:
Class teacher email:
School email:
School phone number: 01633 855100
Bus duty day: Thursday afternoon
General Information:
All children need to be in full school uniform. Please ensure all uniform is clearly labelled with your child's name. We will write this in if necessary. NO necklaces, hooped or dangly earrings or rings are to be worn in school. This is for health and safety reasons.
Please make sure your child brings in a piece of fruit for snack and is provided with a packed lunch and water in a water bottle.
Schools dinners are free to all of our children. Our school dinner menu can be viewed on the school website. Children will select their meal on a daily basis.
If your child has asthma, please bring a pump in a labelled box to be kept in school. Please let us know if your child takes any regular medication.
Bus Information - BUS NUMBER 2 - Staff present: Mrs Smith, Miss Harris
The timetable for the class this term:
PE- Friday -
Children in Y2-6 can wear their PE kit into school on their PE day. Please ensure your child wears black shorts/ tracksuit bottoms, coloured house PE top (or plain white t-shirt) and trainers. A plain black or red hoody/jumper would be advisable during cold weather.
Outdoor learning- Wednesday -
Please bring a pair of wellies or old shoes for these sessions. It would be advisable to have a warm, waterproof coat on this day. You may also wish to send in a change of clothes or wet weather gear.
Home readers- Monday -
Home reading books will be sent home each Monday and changed the following Monday. If your child has finished a book early or wants to change it, please bring it back in and we will do our best to change it as soon as possible.
School Instagram Account:
Follow our school Instagram account to get a glimpse into life at Millbrook.