Overwhelmed by all your kind words and thoughtful cards and gifts. Your children have been a pleasure and such fun to work with. Enjoy the summer with your wonderful children 💕Miss Rachel Jones 💕
Pass the parcel, faster, faster
Cheers everyone
Preparing the party table
Good old fashioned games
Pass the parcel
With plenty of lovely food and ice cream
Party time
Creating party hats.
After moving the tables we decided to decorate them with our own designs
What a fantastic time we had at our Nursery sports day and a little treat to reward ourselves 😊
The around the tree race
Backward race
Rolling race
Bumblebee race
Celebrating our sporting success with a well deserved ice cream.
Forest School Fire
Listen for the hissing
Time with our friends to talk
Fire preparation
Preparing the fire
Waiting for the popping to start
Sharing our awareness of fire safety
Sharing our knowledge of fire
Bread for dipping
Waiting for the bubbles 😊
Thank you so much for supporting our Nursery Big Pedal. We had so much fun travelling all around the school grounds on our bikes and scooters. We created and completed a challenging obstacle course and used a traffic light system in busy areas. With your support we raised an unbelievable amount of money for our vegetable garden. £205 thank you x
We certainly had some fun performing our Super Hero skills during some daring rescue missions.
Watch out, watch out there are SUPER HERO'S about
SUPER HERO'S to the rescue
What a fantastic time we had celebrating St Patrick's Day.
Wednesday 17th March
Friday 19th March
A pair of Magpies have captured our curiosity this week.
We walked to their nesting site and observed them from below.
As they flew back and forth with natural materials to build a nest.
We climbed a hill high above the Magpies nest and used binoculars to observe them.
We gathered natural resources from our local environment
And through experimentation used them to construct
A magnificent birds nest.
Celebrating World Book day.
Welcome back to Nursery 😊
It was fantastic to observe the children at their play today and it didn't take long for the investigations and experimentation to begin. We heard so much shared language during imaginative and creative play. We can't wait to see what tomorrow brings 😊
Have a fantastic half term break everyone
See you on the 24th February
We are planning to create a St Davids Day display in Nursery when we return. Would you like to get creative and make something for our Welsh display. 🏴
I wonder what it will be? I can't wait to see 🤔
1st March come to Nursery dressed in traditional Welsh clothing 🏴
4th March children are invited to come to Nursery dressed as their favourite book character to celebrate World Book Day 📙
The Teddies have been learning about how Chinese people around the world celebrate Chinese New year. Big Ted and Little Ted have looked at the characters used in Chinese writing and had a go at copying some of them. Would you like to try?
Bora Da bawb x It was lovely to see you on our Google Meet yesterday. If you were not able to join us some of the activities have been uploaded below for to share with your families 😊
Have a lovely day x Miss Jones
Five little ducks went swimming one day.
Over the pond and far away.
Mother duck said quack, quack, quack, quack.
And four little ducks came swimming back.
Four little ducks...................
Three little ducks.................
Two little ducks...................
One little duck......................
Mother duck went swimming one day.
Over the pond and far away.
Mother duck said quack, quack, quack, quack.
And all her little ducks came swimming back.
Can you count the ducks before they go swimming across the pond?
How many ducks came swimming back?
How many ducks are ready to swim across the pond?
Oh no! How many ducks listened to Mummy duck?
How many ducks are ready to swim across the pond?
Oh dear! And now there are?
Can you make your own die with your families? Create challenges for each number. Then roll 😊
Count the spots. Now can you find this many long objects?
Count the spots. Now can you find this many soft objects?
Count the spots. Now can you jump this many times?
Count the spots. Now can you find this many short objects?
Count the spots. Now can you clap this many times?
Count the spots. Now can you turn around this many times?
Good Morning
Hope you are able to join our
Google Meet today
10.30 for Morning children
1.30 for Afternoon children
Bora Da bawb x What has happened to the weather? Everything outside looks a bit different today.
Little Jackie Jack Frosts stings my nose.
Little Jackie Jack Frost bites my toes
Little Jackie Jack Frost climbs the trees
Little Jackie Jack Frost paints the leaves.
LOOK the water has froze in the bird bath. Can you find something that has froze?
LOOK tiny droplets of water have fallen onto the spider webs and have frozen.
Big Ted has uploaded a song about Little Jackie Jack Frost for you to share with your families x
Bora Da bawb x The Teddies have discovered some numbers. They have also been counting out the fruit from the fridge. Have a look around your house how many of the same objects will you discover?
Do you recognise any the numbers Big Ted and Little Ted have found?
How many tomatoes did Big Ted find in the fridge?
How many bananas has Little Ted found?
Big Ted counted out how many tangerines?
Little Ted placed how many grapes on the table?
The Teddies found how many apples in the fridge?
Bora Da bawb x The Teddies have been very helpful around the house and together we have cleaned and tidied from top to bottom. I wonder if you could help somebody today and how would you do it? Big Ted and Little Ted worked so hard I decided to give them some pennies to spend at the shop. But they didn't want to go to the shops in Bettws today instead they created their own at home. Now wasn't that a clever idea 😊
Big Ted was dancing to the music on the radio as he hoovered around the house.
Little Ted sang lots of his favourite songs when he was dusting the shelves.
If you had a shop what would you sell to your customers?
Bora Da bawb x The Teddies have set up a number game. They are taking it in turns to call out a number and throw a ball made up of scrunched up paper into the corresponding saucepan. Big Ted said he is going to make another game using shapes and Little Ted said he would make one for colours. Have a lovely day x Miss Jones
Big Ted asked Little Ted to throw the paper ball into number 2 saucepan.
Did the paper ball land in the right saucepan. I wonder if you will try this game to
Bora Da bawb x It was lovely to see you yesterday at our Google Meet 😊. The Teddies have been practising one of the songs we sang together '5 Little Monkey's Jumping on the Bed'. If you were not able to join us, we have recorded the song for you to share with your family below. The Teddies enjoyed counting with the monkey puppet and decided to make puppets of their own. Would you like to make a puppet? We would love to see how you create one? What would you use? I wonder if you will put on a show? Have a lovely day everyone x
How would you make a puppet? The Teddies have sewn buttons onto socks.
Big Ted and Little Ted singing and storytelling in their puppet theatre.
Hope you are able to join us for our
Wednesday 3rd February
10.30 for Morning children
1.30 for Afternoon children
Bora Da bawb x Little Ted has been reading his favourite book today. He then retold the story to some of his friends by following the pictures on the page. What is your favourite story and who will you share it with? Big Ted has uploaded his favourite story for you to listen to below. We hope you enjoy.
Little Teds favourite story is Kippers Toybox.
Are you are to draw and share a picture of your favourite story?
Peace at last written by Jill Murphy.
Wednesday 3rd February
10.30 for Morning children
1.30 for Afternoon children
Bora Da bawb x The Teddies have been playing with my button box today. They have been sorting through all the different shaped, coloured and sized buttons and organizing them into piles. I wonder what you will sort today? And how will you group your treasures?. Afterwards to get us moving we decided to try a yoga video. The jungle video was such great fun and is good for both our physical and mental health. The Teddies have uploaded the link below for you to share with your families. Have a lovely day everyone. Miss Jones, Big Ted and Little Ted 😊
Big Ted sorted the buttons by size. Small, medium and large.
Little Ted separated the buttons into different coloured piles.
Which yoga position did you find the hardest to do?
Bora Da bawb x The Teddies have been out in the rain practising their bike riding together. It has been a bit tricky for them but they have persevered and LOOK. Big Ted and Little Ted can now pedal their bikes along the street. I wonder new skills you have learnt during the lockdown? And what challenge will you try next? Have a fantastic day everyone x Miss Jones and the Teddies 😊
Big Ted has been practising and he can now pedal his bike very quickly around the path.
Little Ted said that he is going to try to fit all the pieces of his new puzzle together.
What an absolutely fantastic week we have all had. Thank you so much for sharing all your activities and adventures I have loved reading about every single one 😊Keep sharing everybody and have a lovely weekend 😊
Bora Da bawb x During Winter, food is scarce so The Teddies have been helping by putting out food and water. There are lots of ways to encourage birds onto your window ledge or garden. I wonder what you might think of.
What will you see where you live?
Big Ted has recycled an egg box to use as a bird feeder. What ideas do you have?
Little Ted has decided to share some of his fruit. What do you think birds eat?
Have you found a quiet spot for your bird watching den? How will you record how many birds you have spotted?
I wonder if you already recognise and can name some of the birds?
What distinctive markings or colours can you spot on the birds?
Can you draw some of birds you have observed on your bird watch?
The Teddies and I can't wait to hear about your discoveries. Shhhhhhh 🤫 we can see some birds flying towards us Shhhhhhh 🤫
Good luck 🐦
Bora Da bawb x
It was lovely to see so many of our Nursery friends on our Google meet yesterday. 😊
I have put one of our songs on below for you to share and sing with your families.
Maybe you can find some props and create actions for your favourite songs. If you are able to share I would love to see them. 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
Have a lovely day everyone 😊
How many snowmen with funny hats do you see?
Can you show 4 fingers?
Can you count the snowmen?
The sun has melted another snowman how many are left?
How many snowmen are left standing in the snow?
Now there are?
Hope you can join us for our
Nursery Google meet
10.30 for our morning children
1.30 for our afternoon children
Bora Da bawb x The Teddies have been making some preparations for the RSPB bird watch.
They have made a bird hide to watch the birds from with binoculars they made themselves.
The Teddies have put a little food out to encourage birds into the garden.
Bora Da bawb x The Teddies have spotted lots of hungry birds in our garden. They haven't been able to find food because of the snow. So we decided to scatter bird seed on the ground for them.
Have you helped any hungry animals?
What did you do?
Below are the songs of some of the birds we saw. Have a listen and then shut your eyes can you guess which song belongs to which bird?
Nursery Children would like to watch and count the birds in your garden, local park or through your window this weekend? I wonder what we will see?
Join the RSPB garden/window bird watch online for free.
Bora Da bawb x The Teddies and I have been building a snowman in the garden. I wonder what adventures you had in the snow yesterday? ?
The foxes in the story followed footprints when they became lost. Have you discovered any footprints? Who did you think they belonged to?. Where did you think the footprints were going? Did you follow them?
Large footprints
Medium sized footprints
Small footprints
Thank you so much for sharing your week with me. I have really enjoyed reading about all the fabulous activities you are experiencing with your families. Here are a few of the photographs you have shared with me. Have a good weekend everyone. Miss Rachel Jones 😊
Hello to all our Mums, Dad's and Carers.
I am planning to phone all the Nursery children next week for a little catch up 😊. However I understand that many of you have work commitments and are juggling quite a bit at the moment.
Please email me if a AM or PM phone call would suit you best and which Day is easier.
Please note I am unable to guarantee a time.
Thank you Rachel Jones
Bora Da bawb x The Teddies and I have been reading the instructions on the back of a packet of Angel Delight. We are having the banana flavoured pudding after our tea. I wonder what you will read today?
Big Ted said you have to whisk the banana flavoured powder into the milk.
Little Ted told us the mixture needs to go into the fridge to set.
Bora Da bawb x
It was so lovely to see so many of you and your teddies yesterday on our Google meet. We shall be meeting again next Wednesday at the same time if you are able to join us. 🐻
(I am aware a few families had difficulties joining. Please let me know if you need any further information and I shall gladly help)
Your singing was fantastic. 🎶🎶🎶🎶I have put the songs on below, perhaps you can make a mouse and some currant buns, use them to teach your family the words and actions 😊
Have a lovely day everyone 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
Miss Jones and the Teddies x🐻🐻
If you are able to join us on our Nursery Google meet it will be great to see you and your Teddy to
10.30 for Morning children
1.30 for Afternoon children
Bora Da bawb x The Teddies have been experimenting with mark making in flour today. I wonder what different materials and tools you might experiment with and what you will produce? Have a lovely day everyone.😊
Big Ted has made swirls and zig zag patterns in his flour.
Little Ted has made shapes. Can you guess what they are?
Bora Da bawb x The Teddies have been searching everywhere for hidden numbers today. I wonder where you will discover some? Happy searching everyone. 😊Miss Jones and the Teddies 🔎
Big Ted has discovered numbers inside the house. 😊
Little Ted discovered numbers outside the house. 😊
Bora Da bawb x The Teddies have been practising their scissor skills whilst turning boxes from the recycling inside out. They have made a train which when they pushed it passed over a very high mountain. When it reached the top a fire breathing dragon roared at the driver before it flew away. Their train sped quickly down the mountain into a wood. As the train moved slowly past the trees fairies came out of their toadstool houses to wave. Their train rumbled on and on crossing over a bridge past a field of cows and a pond full of ducks. Finally the train stopped at the train station where a little boy and a little girl climbed aboard. I wonder what they will see on their train ride and where they will go ? I wonder where you would travel to on the train and what adventures you might have? . Big Ted has put the story The train ride on for you to watch below. Have a lovely day x Miss Jones and the Teddies 😊
Cut along one side of your box. Refold so the white inside of the box is on the outside.
The Teddies used sellotape to hold the turned boxes in place.
Big Ted and Little Ted have created a train with lots of passengers 🚂travelling inside.
Time for the train to stop at the station 🚫
The train ride
Thank you so much for sharing all the messages, photographs and videos of your children taking part in their daily activities. Here are just a few of them 😊
Have a lovely weekend with your families x
Missing you all
Miss Jones and the Teddies ❤️
Look at this fantastic drawing of the park.😊😊
Lovely Mark making 😊
Brilliant everyone has their wellies on the correct feet😊
Can you hear the music the water is making? 😊
What an amazing drawing of Peppa Pigs shop 😊
Look at all these shapes found around the house 😊
Mmmmm. Home made pancakes with honey 😊
What a clever idea 😊
Fabulous drawing of Barbie with her beautiful blue dress 😊
Who is that behind the Robin mask 😊
Beautiful Mark making 😊
Wow what an amazing painting 😊
Amazing sorting skills 😊
Fantastic drawing of waffle the dog 😊
Bora Da bawb x
I am off for a walk with Rolli my dog this morning. I wonder what I shall see?
I wonder what you see on your walks?
Prehaps you would draw me a picture or a map and ask an adult to write down your speech. If you are able to send it to me via my email address I would love to see them.
Have a lovely day everyone 😊 miss you x
Miss Jones, Rolli the dog and the Teddies x
Over the humpback bridge.
Past the church
Through the tunnel
Over the railway bridge
Past the park.
Along the river.
Let's stop for a rest.
Bora Da bawb 😊. The Teddies have been practising dressing themselves in their outdoor clothing. But they did get a little bit muddled at first. Have you been practising putting on your coats, shoes and gloves?
Oh no Big Ted there is something wrong with your boots.
Little Ted there is a problem with your boots to.
That's better 👏👏👏👏
Well done Big Ted you have zipped up your coat all by yourself 👍
Fantastic job Little Ted it is very hard to button up your own coat 👍
Thank you everyone for the photographs and messages you are sending. I have really enjoyed looking at and reading all about the fantastic activities you are all doing with your families. 😊
It was lovely to speak to lots of you on the telephone to.
My email address if you would like to share more is
Missing you all very much
Miss Jones 😊
Bora Da bawb x
Little Ted and I went out for a walk today and discovered lots of shapes hidden in the outdoor environment. When we got home we told Big Ted about the shapes and where we had found them.
Big Ted decided to look around house to see what shapes he could discover inside.
I wonder where you might find shapes today?
After lunch we sat together and listened to the story 'Alfies feet'. Big Ted said he would like to go for a walk tomorrow just like Alfie with his Wellington boots on.
(Little Ted has put the story on below for you to listen to, enjoy 😊)
Have a fun day everyone x
Miss Jones and the Teddies
Can you find the heart, square, circle and triangle hidden in the photograph?
What shapes can you find hidden in the photograph?
Bora Da bawb x When the Teddies went into the garden yesterday they discovered the weather was very windy. Big Ted said he could hear music and so they followed the sound until they stood under the wind chimes. Together they listened to the beautiful melodies as it swayed in the wind.
Little Ted wanted to make a raindrop orchestra so they collected different objects and placed them outside to see what sounds the rain made when it fell on them.
Can you find different sized saucepans or look in your recycling for foil containers and empty tin cans. Can you hear heavy drumming, a soft pitter patter or pretty tinkling sounds?
Try to create as many different sounds as possible and make some raindrop music.
The Teddies listened to the music of the wind chimes when the wind blew.
Here is their orchestra ready for when the rain falls.
Bora Da bawb x The Teddies and I have been watching the weather forecast on the television this morning. Derek the weather man has told us that it may rain all week. Have you watched the weather forecast? I live in Newport, where do you live? I wonder if you will have rain to?. We are going to make a list of some of our favourite rainy day activities to share with you through the week. In the meantime,
Big Ted and Little Ted have decided to make some toast for their breakfast.
I wonder what you might make to eat today?
Bora Da bawb x We have had lots of fun with the Robin masks Big Ted and Little Ted have created. We have even made up our own Robin song to sing.
Two little Robins sitting in the tree.
One called Nancy and one called Lee.
Fly away Nancy, fly away Lee.
Come back Robins it's time for tea.
I wonder what song you might sing today?
Have fun Miss Jones and the Teddies 😊x
Bora Da bawb x We spotted a Robin this morning in the garden and have decided to make our own Robin masks using a recycled egg box. Little Ted carefully used the scissors to cut out the shape and Big Ted coloured the masks with his pens in Robin colours. I wonder what you could make with recycled materials. If you would like to and are able to share your creative ideas via email I would love to see them. X Miss Jones and the Teddies 😊
Bora Da Bawb x. Big Teds favourite thing to do at moment is to colour with his pens in his colouring book. He has shared his colours with Little Ted who has drawn his favourite new toy, a green car. Little Ted pushes his car all around the house, it's very fast and he is always crashing it into my chairs. Would you like to draw your favourite toy or activity?. Maybe you could tell a grown up all about it and they will write your words onto your picture. If you can share I would love to see your picture. Have a lovely day everyone x Miss Jones and the Teddies x
Bora Da bawb. I hope you enjoyed Christmas with your family. Santa has taken our naughty elf back to the North Pole and is planning to keep him very busy. I would like you to meet my two Teddies Big Ted and Little Ted who live with me at home. They will be challenging us with daily activities that we can take part in around our homes and local environment. If you would like to and are able to share your activities I would love to see them. My email address is rachel.jones@millbrookprimary.co.uk
Thank you to all our Nursery families for sharing the decorations you created together. Our Christmas tree looked absolutely stunning. We really enjoyed reading each of your homemade cards and wish you all a very happy Christmas from Miss Jones, Miss Tovey and Mrs Cramp.