Millbrook Primary School
‘Learning about caring; caring about learning’
Welcome to Oak Class
Hello and welcome, we are so excited to have you with us in September. Here are a few photos to talk about, what do you think you will enjoy the most?
Mrs Lewis and Miss Aurelius.
Croeso Oak Class
This term we are trying to make a difference to our community.
We have learned about what a community is and made our own communities in the blocks, paint and play dough.
Monday 6th July.
This is our last week in school and we are going to be so sad to see you go. We cannot have our leavers assembly so you will have your certificates, reports and a butterfly when you leave. We will try to put a video up from our school year.
Reading and writing activities.
Set one sounds from Read write inc. These are m, a, s, d, t, i, n, p, g, o, c, k, u, b, f, e, l, h, r, j, v, y, w, v, x, z, sh, th, ch, qu, ng, nk
We read the story of Silly Bill and talked about our own worries, then we coloured pictures of worry dolls.
We talked about our new classes an drew pictures on jigsaw pieces for our new teachers.
Counting and Maths.
We logged onto Mathletics and tried the counting activities, these are all ready to continue at home.
We played with play-dough and lego.
All the links you need are listed below.
Mrs Lewis and Miss Aurelius
Monday 29th June
What a lovely morning! It is so nice to have children back in the classroom. We have some jobs for this week, to do at home or in school.
Number Work
We have counted 10 pennies and put them in a purse. We have matched the pennies to written numbers. When you have done this, can you make a shop with your child? If you finish this quickly go up to 20p and use 10p coins as well. "10p and 4p is 14p"
Reading and Writing
We watched the story of "when we can't hug." (see link below)and talked about the story, we drew pictures in 2story in purple mash and helped the children write what they can do when they can't hug.
Creative work
We painted, we were talking about lock down at home but i didn't insist on what they painted.
Read, Writ inc
We watched the RWI channel, looking at the episodes on set one sounds.
We did some yoga stretches and some positive thoughts
All the links you need are below.
Have a lovely week, Mrs Lewis and Miss Aurelius
Tuesday 23rd June
Hello everybody, how are you? Are you coming to school next week? If you are not coming in, everything we do in school will be on here for you to do at home. If you are coming in we have been making the school safe for you. When you get to school some things will be different. Please bring a drink and a snack with you as we cannot give you food. Miss Aurelius and Mrs Lewis will be here waiting and it is still going to be fun! Have a look at these photos and talk about what school will be like.
See you soon, Mrs Lewis
Tuesday 16th June.
Hello everybody, not long now till I can see you, I can't wait. Have you seen Mrs Watkin's video this week? Its all about family, so I thought I would share some of the beautiful family pictures you drew on purple mash last week. If you haven't done one yet I will add it in next time.
I also want to share what it will be like to come back. Some things will be the same and some things will be different. We will be in the same classroom but it will look a bit different, I will still be your teacher but sometimes I will have to wear gloves.
We will still talk and have fun together but we will not touch each other. Here are some pictures to talk about with your family.
Tuesday 9th June
Good morning everybody. Have you been keeping up with the news? Did you know that schools are going to open up again? I went into school yesterday, just to talk to some other teachers. I felt happy to go back but also a bit scared. I could feel my tummy going a bit wobbly and I know that means I am worried. Mrs Watkins talks about being worried in her video this week doesn't she? How do you feel about going back? Talk to your family and think about what I can do to help you. Over the next few weeks I am going to work hard to make oak class a safe place for us all. I will let you know how I am getting on next week. Don't forget you can email me at
Keep safe Mrs Lewis.
Tuesday 2nd June.
Hello everybody, I hope you had a fun, restful and safe half term. I did, I spent some time in my garden enjoying the sunshine. I love being in my garden, looking after the plants, Mrs Watkins was in her garden for her video this week. Did you see it? She talked about looking after plants and animals and also looking after each other. We are used to giving a hug or a pat on the back or a high five to each other to show we care. This week I would like you to practise your virtual hugs and thumbs up instead. I have given you some pictures and maybe you could practise with people you meet. I loved your emotion pictures from last week, thank you for those, keep talking about how you feel and I am sending you a virtual hug.
Keep safe, Mrs Lewis.
Tuesday 19th May.
Hello everybody, how do you feel? Have a think about it, how do you really feel?
When I speak to you on the phone most of you say that you are feeling good or happy. I wonder if this week you could use some of the emotions words we learned in school. Happy, sad, worried, excited, angry. We all feel these things sometimes, of course we do and that's ok. This week I want you to try putting these words into sentences with your family. I will start you off.
I feel sad because I am missing my friends.
I feel angry because I am not allowed to go out for dinner.
I feel happy because I can eat my dinner in my garden.
Will you have a go at talking about how you feel this week?
Thursday is Outdoor learning day so please spend some time outside, see if you can see any tiny little animals, maybe bugs or beetles or worms. Ask a grown up to write down what you see and then count them up.
Have a lovely week, see you soon.
Mrs Lewis.
Tuesday 12th May
Hello everybody! Have you all had a look at the video Mrs Watkins has put on Facebook? She has given us all an important job to do. We can draw a leaf and write on it something we like about lockdown. I know some of you are having a fun time because you tell me when I phone, so if you have learned to ride your bike or made a den, that could go on your leaf.
We are also going to make a butterfly with one word that is a wish for the future.
Lots to think about this week. If you do your butterfly or leaf on purple mash I will make sure Mrs Watkins gets them.
I have had a butterfly in my garden this week. It is a bit early but the warm weather must have brought it out. I wonder if you will see a real butterfly when you are out this week.
Miss you all, see you soon.
Mrs Lewis.
Tuesday 5th May
Hello everybody, I hope you are feeling happy today. You sounded happy on the phone yesterday. Lots of you asked how I was feeling, that was very kind of you.
I am feeling OK, but I do miss you and I can't wait to be back in school.
Friday is a special day, it is a day to celebrate the end of a war. I love celebrations and I know you do too. Perhaps you could decorate your house or have party food. Perhaps you could make a party hat. Maybe you could help make sandwiches or cakes. I am going to put some links up but I know lots of you will have your own good ideas.
Keep safe, see you soon.
Mrs Lewis.
Lots of you have asked for reading ideas. Read write inc have their own you-tube channel and are putting up lots of lessons. It is really good but please remember that our children only know the set one sounds. I know that the children have finished the reading books I sent home, I have found a couple more to read and will keep looking out for them.
Mrs Lewis
Tuesday 28th April
Hello Everybody, it was lovely to hear you on the phone yesterday. I know I missed some of you but if you need me you can email will get to me.
This week I have I have been out on my walk looking at all the rainbows in the windows. They all look so pretty. Could you draw or colour a rainbow on Purple mash and leave it for me? Or colour or paint one with your family? I have found some fun rainbow jobs as well. It is going to rain this week so wouldn't it be great if you saw a real rainbow? Keep safe, miss you all, Mrs Lewis.
Thursday 23rd April
Well done Paris, you have drawn a beautiful spring picture and saved it on purple mash.
Monday 20th April
Hello, I hope you all had a lovely Easter holiday. It was so nice to hear you all on the phone this morning. It sounds as though you are doing some fun things with your families.
If you have saved work on Purple mash I have looked at it and written you a little message.
I saw this game on CBeebies this morning and thought it might be fun.
The weather is so beautiful at the moment, if you can, go out try to find some signs of spring and talk to your family about seasons.
If you go onto purple mash you could draw me a beautiful spring picture and I might put it on here.
Keep yourselves safe, Mrs Lewis.
Home Learning
Be a global explorer!
We live in Wales. Wales is a country. Do you know the names of any other countries?
I'd like you to think about a different country.
What country have you chosen and why?
Can you find out about it?
Can you draw a picture or write some words to say why you like this country.
Maybe you could make a poster or a flag for the country.
We can't wait to find out what you have chosen!!
Useful website to help:
While you are all away from school why not use your passwords and log into the purple mash or mathletics websites. I can see what you do in there and can comment on your work or set you a new task.
Keep safe, see you soon, Mrs Lewis.
I have been looking through our class photos and I thought you might like to see some.
Keep safe, miss you all. Mrs Lewis
I have seen lots of you have been busy on purple mash, well done. If you have saved a picture I have written a little message for you, if you have played the games, I can see what you have done and I am really proud.
Why not draw me a picture tomorrow and save it so I can have a look?
Keep safe, see you soon, Mrs Lewis.