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Millbrook Primary School

‘Learning about caring; caring about learning’

Acorns – Nursery

Croeso i'r Dosbarth Little Acorns!

Mrs Joy Passmore (Temporarily covering Mrs Giles)

Mrs Uzmma Saleem (Teaching Assistant)



Contact Details

Please use the school email address if your child is absent for any reason.

Bus Duty: Wednesday afternoon


General Information:


Morning Session - 9am - 11:30am


All children are asked to be in full school uniform (grey trousers/skirt/dress, white polo top and red jumper or cardigan). Please ensure all uniform is clearly labelled with your child's name. We will write this in if necessary. NO necklaces, hooped or dangly earrings or rings are to be worn in school. This is for health and safety reasons. 


Please provide your child with a change of clothes to every session. This is so children can get changed if needed.  


We will provide a healthy snack for each Nursery session with a choice of water or milk to drink. We ask for a contribution of £1 a week towards this. 

Please let us know if your child has any dietary requirements, allergies or intolerances. 


If your child has asthma, please bring a pump in a labelled box to be kept in school. Please let us know if your child takes any regular medication.


Songs and Rhymes 

Here are the lyrics to the songs we sing at nursery for you to sing at home. 


Bore Da
Bore da, bore da.

Sut wyt ti? Sut wyt ti?
Da iawn diolch, da iawn diolch!

Bore da, bore da. 

Prynhawn Da 

Prynhawn da, prynhawn da.

Sut wyt ti? Sut wyt ti?
Da iawn diolch, da iawn diolch.
Prynhawn da, prynhawn da.


Pwy Wyt Ti?

Pwy wyt ti

Pwy wyt ti

Pwy, Pwy, Pwy

Pwy wyt ti 

(Name) ydw i. (Name) ydw i 

Pwy wyt ti


Hywl Fawr Ffrindiau

Hywl fawr ffrindiau.

Hywl fawr ffrindiau.

Mae'n amser dweud hywl fawr.

Twr-a-lwr a bant a ni.

Bant a ni, bant a ni.

Twr-a-lwr a bant a ni.

Mae'n amser dweud hywl fawr.



P.E will be every Friday. Please bring a PE kit to school at the start of each half term. PE kits will be sent home at the end of each half term to be washed ready for the new half term. Please provide your child with black joggers or leggins (shorts in the warmer weather), white top and trainers for outdoors. 



Our topic during the Summer term is 'As far as the I can see', where we will be taking a wider look at our country Wales. 


School Instagram

Follow us on Instagram for a glimpse into life at Millbrook.

