Millbrook Primary School
‘Learning about caring; caring about learning’
This is designed to help you to continue your learning at home. There are also activities on our class pages. Your class teacher will keep this updated so keep checking back. Don't forget to tweet pictures of you carrying out your learning at @MillbrookP.
Click on the home links below to find out more.
Google Classroom is used by our Key Stage 2 children.
Here is a quick guide to help everyone to remember how to log onto Google Classrooms:
1. Google “sign into google docs”
2. In the top corner there is a blue rectangle-sign in. Click this and you should end up here
3. You need to type your school log in here. We are not on the chromebooks now so it will be what you normally type but with
For example if you usually type in ga14, you will need to type
4. Click on next and the next page is for your normal password-just like you do at school
5. Once you have done this, click the 'waffle' on the top right hand side of the webpage
6. Select Google Classroom from the drop down menu
Work will be updated/ set weekly, either here, in Google Classroom or on your child's Class Page
Any problems, please email the school email and we will respond as soon as possible.