Millbrook Primary School
‘Learning about caring; caring about learning’
Monday 6th July
Happy Monday Palm Class. It was so lovely to welcome some of you back to class last week. Your smiles and your chatter really made me and Mrs Russell happy. I know some of you cannot come back but we are still thinking of you.
I hope you liked the story from last week. I am sad no-one has written me a letter like in the story.
This week Mrs Watkins has posted a video about how we are feeling and speaking about this in Welsh. You can watch this and then practise at home with a family member.
You all know which classes you are going into in September now and the teacher are really looking forward to welcoming you. Because we have been at home they have not had a chance to meet you this year . I would like you to think of the most important thing that you want your teacher to know about you.
Can you write this down?
I know its tough trying to do school work at home but if you practise just for 10 minutes it really will make a big difference.
If you need anything this week you can email me and I will reply to you.
Stay Safe . Stay happy
Monday 29th June
We look forward to welcoming you back to Palm Class this week to check in and catch up with us and your friends. Please try not to worry we have worked hard to make the classroom as safe as possible for you.
This week we have chosen a story linked to returning to school. Click on the link and have a listen. There are many different ways we can tell someone we care without hugging them. See if you can find a few different ways. It would great if you could write me a letter and tell me what you have been doing. Remember to sound out the words you want to write, finger spaces and check your red words on the list I sent home. You can bring it into school for me and I promise I will write you one back.
Monday 22nd June
Morning all.
Mrs Russell and I wanted to say Hello so we have made a little video for you to see us this week.
We look forward to welcoming you next week, The class is ready for you.
Have a look at the photo of the classroom. You will each have your own space to sit and a pack of stationary.
Mrs Watkins has made her video this week about returning to school. Have a look and see what she says.
Monday 15th June
Mrs Watkins has uploaded a lovely video about families this week.Take a look on the Facebook page.
Who is in your family and why are they so special to you? I know a lot of you love drawing so a nice picture of your family and some writing about would be great for me to see.
You can post this on Twitter or email me.
There is alot of talk about returning to school in a few weeks so it would be a good idea for you to think of your happy memories of our class.
I have added a little worksheet you can fill in and bring it with you when you come to visit the classroom in a few weeks.
Mrs Russell and myself cant wait to see you.
I look forward to speaking to you on the phone again .I will be making my phone calls on Thursday morning this week.
The English and Maths sheets are attached below as usual but if you want other ideas please email me and I will be happy to make suggestions.
Stay safe
Stay Happy
Monday 8th June
Happy Monday all and as always I hope you are happy and well..
Mrs Watkins has shared her weekly video and this week she is talking about worries. The lady in Welsh government has said in 3 weeks time you can return to school if you want to. This may make you feel anxious , worried and excited and this is perfectly normal.
If you do feel worried talk to a grown up who will help. You could draw a picture or write your worry down . You may have a favourite soft toy you tell your worries to. It is a strange time but we are all in this together #teammillbrook.
Below I have put a copy of a worry jar you may want to use and a sheet to draw and label anything you may be worrying about.
For anyone that would like an activity linked to the topic i would like you to look at telling the time. Practise looking at a clock or watch and tell the time using o'clock and half past times. Remember where the minute and hour hands need to be.
In America the time is different to us. Can you find out what time it is in New York City when it is 10 am here?
What would you be doing at 10 am and what might the people in New York be doing at the same time?
If you want a challenge can you write the oclock and half past times in digital form ??
8 o'clock would be 8:00
Half past 8 would be 8:30
Welcome back Palm Class
A strange but very sunny half term.I hope you are all happy and are still enjoying time with your families.
Remember your well being is the most important thing so join in with the activities if you can or make up your own if that suits you better or even just go for a walk and talk to each other. Stay safe always x
Lets do a bit more finding out about America this week. The Americans play football but it is not the same as our game of football.
Can you find out how it is different?
You can ask a grown up to show you a video of the game and then ask them to play a game of American football in the garden with you.
The LOGO's for the teams are really cool..Have a look at the poster below. Which is your favourite one? Can you draw it or make up one of your own.
Happy Monday everyone
I hope to speak to some of you again this week just to say Hello. The weather looks good for this week which will be good for the activities I am suggesting you could join in with.
Take a look at Mrs Watkins video for this week. The theme is kindness. What can you do to be kind this week? You may tidy your toys away or use kind words. We will be sharing our kindness acts on Twitter this week. Have a go at uploading something kind you have done.
On Thursday its outdoor learning day and I would like you to try and get outdoors. Have a look in your garden or go for a walk. Notice the flowers, birds, trees and the sky. Collect some leaves, twigs , grass and flowers and make a picture on the floor for someone else to find. Take some of these natural things to your house and use them to make a picture to share with others in the family room page on Facebook. I would love to see what you make.
We will return to our theme of America next week.Lets enjoy being kind ans getting outdoors .
Morning Everyone
I have lots to tell you today. I hope you are staying safe and well. I will be making my phone calls again this week . It is so lovely to talk to you and your grown ups.
Rev Becca has put an assembly in the children section on this web site. Take a look by clicking the link.
Mrs Watkins has set a whole school challenge again. We are going to create a display in the school dinner hall. Take a look at her video on here too. You can find the video on the home page noticeboard section .There is an activity which you can do to help us.
I have added a picture for you to find out about. Have a talk with a grown up and use what you can to find out about it. You could send me a picture on Purple mash with a sentence about it.
Clue: It is in my favourite place
I have added a link to a website where you can read a bit about it and learn how to draw it if you want to have a go.
Good afternoon Palm Class.
I cant believe its Monday again !!!
I will give you a call again this week. It is so lovely to speak to you and hear the lovely things you have been doing with your grown ups.
This Friday is VE day. Mrs Watkins has posted a video on the website and on the Facebook page. Have a look and see if you can find out about this special day.
People dress up in red , white and blue and have parties with bunting to celebrate. You could make some bunting for your house to celebrate VE day.
Happy Monday Everyone.
It has been so lovely to speak to some of you on the phone. You are all doing so well staying safe. The sunshine has been just beautiful.
This is my email address should any of you need to get in touch with me directly.
Good Morning Palm Class and welcome back x
I hope you all had a lovely holiday even if it was a little different. I ate loads of chocolate eggs !!!
It was lovely to speak to some of you and your parents on the phone . It really means a lot to me that you are all safe and well.
I am going to put some activities on this page for you to have a go as suggestions. You all being safe and happy is the main priority.
Some parents have told me you are doing your own writing stories reading your own books, counting which is fantastic.
We are going to begin a new project this term. Each class has been given a country in the world to explore.
We are going to be explorers of the United states of America. I am pleased as my son is in college there so he can help us.
Have a chat with your grown ups, look on the internet or any books you may have and talk about anything you already know.
This week you could find out what the flag looks like and have a go at creating one with any materials you may have at home.
I have included some weekly literacy and maths tasks for you to have a go at if you want to practise.
Have Fun !!
Monday 30th March
Morning Palm Class.
I hope you are all well and having a fun time doing some of the activities I have posted. The most important thing is spending time with families and keep smiling. I do miss you all !!
Congratulations to Cole, Evie, Brooke and Lacie who have achieved the Bronze award in Mathletics week . I have assigned tasks to everyone to have a go at practising the skills for year 1. I am logging onto Mathletics myself to see how you are getting on.
Physical activity is so important so I hope you are all keeping fit.
You might want to have a go at this activity as the grown ups need to take part with you. (Come on Grown ups!!)
A page has been set on Facebook by the school to support and share information. This is another avenue for you to access if you wish.
Good Morning everyone
I hope you are all well and embracing this unusual situation.
You all have your mathletics passwords and I will be setting activities regularly for you to consolidate skills.
You can use your Purple Mash log in to play games as well as practise skills.Last half term we looked at collecting data on the 2COUNT programme. You could complete a graph of your families favourite foods or their favourite activities.
Keep smiling always
Suggested home learning activity:
We have been talking about "its good to be me" this term. An idea to support this work is for the children to make a poster about themselves celebrating all that is good about themselves.
Welcome to Palm Class!
Croeso Dosbarth Palm !
Class Teacher; Mrs J Ardle
Support staff Mrs Russell
PE is on a Friday.
We will aim to go to Forest School every other Tuesday and request you provide your child with a pair of wellies to take part in this activity.
This term we are looking to make a difference in our local community. The children have talked about sharing books with others especially those who may not have access to books.
We will be walking to Greggs to have a hot chocolate and drop off some books for others to borrow.