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Millbrook Primary School

‘Learning about caring; caring about learning’

Maple – Year 6

Happy Friday everyone. Have a great weekend.

Bore da. Six lovely people with me today - Dani, Maddie, Amelia, Luke, Jayden and Jack. All working hard. I know I'm repeating myself but you need to aim to get Mrs Allman's tasks(1, 2 and 4) completed by next week. Most people have done the first two tasks and shared with me. I don't mind helping you with Task 4 when you come in next week. I've posted some funny images . Try not to laugh.

Lovely to see Kane, Rhylan, Jakub and Jack yesterday. Hope you're okay, Brooke and Lacey. Focus on doing Mrs Allman's tasks. We've been doing Task 2 in school, but you need to do Tasks 1 and 4 and then share completed work with me , so I can send it to Mrs Allman. If you have time, please read Chapter Six of 'Post-It', have a look at 'The Artist' Powerpoint and see if you can solve the multiplication code.

It was great to see Ethan, Sam, Wiktor, Ceera, Lacey and Teigan yesterday. They've completed one of the pieces of work for Mrs Allman and shared it with me. On Mrs Allman's Powerpoint, the second slide explains what the four tasks actually are. I would focus on Tasks 1, 2 and 4. Sam and Lacey have already completed and shared Tasks 1 and 2. If you want extra work, please read Chapter Five of 'Post-It', which is called 'Acting Up', and complete the writing tasks related to 'The Mysterious Door'.

Bore da. Happy Monday. It was really lovely to see you last week. The main priority this week is to try and get the four pieces of work done for Mrs Allman in the High School. I shared two of them with you last week (the summary and your reflections about what it means to be awesome and successful) and the Powerpoint in which she explains them to you. If you’re having trouble with them, I’ll help you in class this week. If you’re not going to Newport High School, I’ve posted some other activities, one of which is to please read Chapter Four of ‘Post-It’, which is called ‘Mal’. I’ve posted a Powerpoint of Maths Investigations. After each question, it gives you answers and explanations. Try not to cheat! Hope to see you most of you this week and/or next week. Summer holidays soon. Mr M

It was great to see Callum, Brandon and Lauren today. Hope you're okay Dylan, Joris and Tia. Here is another piece of work for the High School which needs to be word-processed and sent to me, so I can pass it on to Mrs Allman. Please watch the film clip and make notes about how to be awesome at high school. The link for the video clip is : Things to consider: What is your proudest moment from primary school? Have you ever thought about the fact that we get to choose our own attitude? Do you think you are ‘kid average’ or ‘kid awesome’? What do the words ‘average’ and ‘awesome’ mean? Can you think of any other words that mean ‘average’ or ‘awesome’? Is there anything holding you back from being awesome? What obstacles are getting in your way? What is the secret to success? Conduct your own research about success. Think about a successful person you’ve heard of? How did they achieve their success? Do you know any famous quotes about success? On a different subject, there is a message from Reverend Becca if you look at this video link: Have a great weekend. See you next week

It was great to see Dani, Maddie, Amelia, Luke, Jayden and Jack today. The high school have set four tasks for you. We can do some next week in school. However, you can do some at home. One task is to read a document and then summarize it. In other words, write the most important points in your own words. I've attached the document you need to read. Ideally, you need to word-process your summary and send it to me at so I can pass it on to Mrs Allman

It was lovely to see Brooke, Rhylan, Jakub and Jack yesterday. I hope you’re doing okay, Kane and Lacey. Maybe I’ll see you next week. Please read Chapter Three of Post-It, which is called ‘Don’t Make Me Laugh’. Any work I give you over the next few weeks is not as important as the work set by Mrs Allman from the High School. See the link I shared yesterday. There are four tasks to be completed by the 17th July. You have just over three weeks. She will be asking you about them when she comes in to see you on Wednesday 15th July. If you want more things to do, complete the short writing and reading tasks connected to the ‘Stargazer’ Powerpoint. And, there are some more Maths challenge cards for you.

Newport High School would like you to do some work over the next few weeks - some research, reading and oracy tasks leading to a piece of writing - a diary entry. Please follow the link below to find out more about it. This is your first piece of homework for the high school. I'm sure Mrs Allman will expect it to be done.

It was great to see Sam, Ethan, Wiktor, Teigan, Ceera and Lacey in school yesterday. Hopefully, I’ll see some more of you today. Please read Chapter Two of ‘Post-It’. I’ve posted some Maths Challenge Cards for you to have a go at. Get your parents to help, if you need it. There’s some short writing tasks for you relating to ‘The Builders’ Powerpoint.

I can’t actually believe that some of you are coming to school today after nearly fifteen weeks at home. It’s unbelievable how long you’ve been off, isn’t it? Today is June 29th, National Hug Day. Unfortunately, there won’t be much hugging going on. I’ve written a new book, called ‘Post-It’. I might have to get rid of some of the chapters because I’m not quite sure about them. I’ll let you know when we get to them. I think the first few chapters are quite good. I’d be grateful for any opinions. Can you please read Chapter One. I’ve posted a Powerpoint to help you try and help you understand fractions, if you’re still having trouble with them. Just for fun, there are some optical illusions and some lateral thinking questions too.

You can have today off. That’s my present to you before you come back next week. Try not to worry about coming back. It’s only for three weeks and then ‘We’re all going on a Summer Holiday’. The school will look a bit different, with arrows everywhere telling you which way to go, but the people are the same. Hopefully, you’ve missed us. We’ve definitely missed you. Next week is a chance to get to see some of your friends. The work won’t be hard. It will mostly be activities relating Friendship, Self-Esteem, Well-being and Transition. Obviously, we’re all going to have to make a real effort with social distancing and washing hands. See you very soon Mr M

Returning to School Video

Still image for this video

Thor’s Day again. June 25th is Global Beatles Day. The Beatles were probably the most famous pop group there has ever been – Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Starr and George Harrison. See if you can find out a bit about them. You might recognise some of their songs: Yesterday, Let It Be, Hey Jude, All You Need Is Love, Twist and Shout, With a Little Help From My Friends. Have a listen on You Tube. John Lennon wrote a very well-known song called ‘Imagine’. I’ve posted a third ‘Transition’ Power point for you to think about. One of the first things we’ll be doing next week is having a chat about your recent experiences. To help you gather your thoughts, I’ve posted a writing template called ‘Social Story’. No Maths today. The last three items I sent you should keep you busy for a while. See you very soon Mr M

We're back!!!!!

Good morning, lovely people. June 24th is National Pralines Day. Find out what pralines are and ask yourself, ‘Are pralines really so good that they need a whole day dedicated to them?’ If you could dedicate a day to something, what would you choose. I would probably have a National Wispa day. Yesterday I sent you the last chapter of Perry Craven and the Holy Quail. I’ve been working on something new, called ‘Post-It’. I’ll send you Chapter One to have a look at on Monday. The main character has just started in Year 7. Somebody keeps leaving him notes which predict his future. I won’t give you any new Maths today as I bombarded you with puzzles yesterday and the day before. I’ve posted another Power-point about transition. ‘Transition’ is when you move from one situation to another. So, you’ll be making a transition from primary school to the high school. Instead of big fish in a little pond, you’ll be little fish in a big pond. When you come into school next week, please bring your bag and coat into the classroom with you and put them near your chair and desk. As you enter our school gates, turn left and head down the steps to the hall door. Enter through the hall and follow the arrows. The timetable will be as follows: 8.45 – arrival. 8.45 - 10.15 - activities in class. 10.15 - snack-time in class. 10.30 - outdoor time. 11.00 - 1.00 - classroom activities. 1.00 - home-time. When you leave the building, you will exit via the door on the right at the bottom of our stairs and follow the path around, then walk up the driveway on the pavement. Usually, towards the end of you time in Year Six, we would have someone coming in to school to talk to you about puberty – all the emotional and physical changes you can expect to undergo in the next few years. The videos we use in school are available on You Tube. Check with your parents first. Always Changing and Growing Up: Girls (18 mins, 45 seconds) Always Changing and Growing Up: Boys (16 minutes 45 seconds) You would probably benefit from watching both.

Bore da bawb. Just for a change, rather than me tell you why June 23rd is an important date, can you please do some research and you tell me. Can you please read the final chapter of ‘Perry Craven and the Holy Quail’. If anyone has actually read it, I would be really interested to know your opinions of it, good or bad. I’ve given you a whole load of Maths puzzles to solve. I’d better warn you, the first lot are more like riddles/jokes. As it won’t be long before you head off to the high school, I’ve given you a Powerpoint with things to think about. Hopefully, in the next few weeks, you’ll be meeting the new headteacher of Newport High and your new form teachers.

This is what our classroom looks like at the moment, just so you don't have a shock when you come in next week

Monday again. In exactly one week’s time, some of you will be back in dear old Millbrook. Some of you have spent seven years with us. Can you do a bit of reflection and try and think of at least five memories of your time in Millbrook, moments that stand out in your mind? Today is National Kissing Day but it’s also National Onion Ring Day. Try not to combine the two. It’s also National Take A Cat To Work Day. Crazy world we live in. Please read Chapter 16 of Perry Craven. Last chapter tomorrow! There’s a whole bunch of Maths puzzles for you to solve - at your leisure. You don’t have to do them all. Just try some of them to keep your brain working. During lockdown, you’ve probably missed having contact with your friends. What kinds of things have you missed doing with your friends? Have you ever thought about what friendship actually is? Can you create a poster and write ‘What is Friendship? ‘ in the middle of it? Use words and images to show what friendship means to you. You might put things like ‘Laughing at the same things together’ , ‘protecting each other’... See you soon Mr M

Friday already. I can’t believe it. Where is the time going? Can you please read Chapter Fifteen of Perry Craven. I think I have two more chapters to go after this one. I’ve found some Maths Puzzles for you to have a go at. Although it says they’re for Years 3 and 4, some of them are quite challenging. Yesterday, I asked you to find out about Vesuvius and Pompeii. Can you draw a labelled diagram of the inside of a volcano and explain what happens when a volcano erupts? You can actually make a mini-volcano and cause it to erupt using vinegar, baking soda and food colouring. There are videos on YouTube. If you try it yourself, probably best to do it outside. It’s great that most of you are coming in to school soon.

Thor’s Day again! Before Thor was a character in Marvel comics and films, he was a hero of Viking or Norse mythology. Why not read some of the stories about him and Loki? How much of the mythology is used in the films? Continuing with our Italy project, Italy has a very famous volcano called Vesuvius. Find out what happened to a place called Pompeii when Vesuvius erupted. Please read Chapter Fourteen of Perry Craven and keep practising those Maths skills. You should find out today what days you will be asked to come into our little Maple bubble. Hope you can make it. It would be lovely to see you and catch up. Don’t worry – there will be no tests or assessments. I wouldn’t do that to you. Should be fun. Different and unusual - but fun

Happy Wednesday. June 17th is ‘Eat All Your Veggies’ day. I hope you’re getting your five-a-day and doing some form of exercise. Have you ever noticed that the word ‘vegetable’ has the word ‘table in it? Please read Chapter Thirteen of ‘Perry Craven’. In this chapter, Perry is forced to stand up for himself in a fight. Do you think boys should be expected to be tough, to be good fighters? Have you ever been forced to stand up for yourself? In the Maths activity, you have to choose a number to go in the middle of the circle and then try and find the percentages. It will help if you know what 10% is (divide the number by 10). Continuing with our Italy project can you find out about what life is like for a pupil in an Italian school. What hours do pupils have to go to school? What subjects do they learn? Do they have the same school holidays as us? What sports are popular? I hope to see most of you pretty soon so you can finish off your time in Millbrook. Miss Satchell will be helping us out in the classroom. Mr M

Bore da Maple citizens. Today is National Fudge Day, which means nothing to me because I don’t like fudge. Today is June 16th. On June 16th, 1963, when I was three years old, Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman to travel into space. She travelled 48 times around the Earth aboard Vostok 6. Try and find out more about her. Every country has foods that it is well known for. Can you find out six foods that Wales is famous for and arrange images in Pic Collage or Powerpoint and then do the same for Italy? I was in school yesterday tidying cupboards and moving furniture around. You’ll find that our classroom looks a little bit different when you come back. Your trays are exactly as you left them.

Happy Monday. There used to be a pop group called the Happy Mondays. June 15th is World Wind Day. Today, people all over the world celebrate the use of wind as an energy source. Sometimes they fly kites. Have you ever thought about what wind actually is? What is a wind farm? Please read Chapter Eleven of Perry Craven, which is called Crone. In this chapter there is a discussion about what it means to be brave and have courage. Can you think of an example from your own life of when you were brave ? What is a hero or heroine? What to you have to do to be a hero? Is somebody like Ronaldo a hero or is he just someone who gets paid a lot of money to do his job? Can you think of any true heroes? Are heroes always perfect or might they have faults and weaknesses? Can you do a bit of research and complete the table/chart all about the planets? You might be surprised by some of the information you find. Maths work today is basic revision of place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Should be fairly easy peasy.

It’s Friday! 12th June is the birthday of Anne Frank, who was only 15 when she died. Please try and find out more about her, maybe even find an extract from her famous diary to read. I know a little bit about her but maybe you can find out something that I don’t know and share it with me. Try and watch Newsround – there are a lot of important things going on in the world at the moment. Please read Chapter Ten of Perry Craven. I’m aiming to write about sixteen or seventeen chapters. If you look at the Powerpoint image, there’s a short piece of writing to go with it. For Maths, there’s some more work on weight. Have a great weekend. Hope to see most of you in just over two weeks time. Stay safe. Mr M

Thor’s Day again. June 11th, believe it or not is National Making Life Beautiful Day. I promise I’m not making this up. How could you celebrate it? What can you do to make life beautiful for someone else? Maybe create a Pic Collage of beautiful images. How about making life beautiful for me by reading the next chapter of my book? We’re on Chapter Nine, which is called ‘Shadows’. It’s meant to be scary. It’s quite hard to write something that scares the reader. Try writing something scary. Can you find a way of memorizing the planets in out solar system in order: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. M, V, E, M, J, S, U , N. I’ve posted an information sheet about Jupiter and some comprehension questions. Have a look at the front cover of The Cube and guess which planets the seven characters come from. I haven’t included Uranus. For today’s Maths, I’ve given you some problems to do with weight. Don’t forget, 1kilogram (kg) = 1000 grams (g). See if you can find out how many ounces in a pound, how many pounds in a stone, how many pounds in a kilogram, how many kilograms in a stone

It’s Wodin’s day again. WED-NES-DAY. Please read Chapter Eight of ‘Perry Craven.’ In this chapter, I introduce a new character. His name is Hopfrog. I’m not 100% sure if he is the right kind of character to introduce at this point in the story. If you had written the book, what kind of character would you have introduced at this point. Could you describe them and possibly draw them? You can draw Hopfrog if you want to, based on my description of him. Maths today is about inverse operations or working backwards. You are allowed to use a calculator or ask your parents for help. Could you do some research about The Sun and create either a factfile or a Powerpoint or a leaflet or think of some other way of presenting information. Hope you’re all okay Mr M

Buongiorno Maple citizens. Believe it or not, today is National Donald Duck day. When I was your age, many centuries ago, I really enjoyed trying to draw Disney characters. I used to be able to draw Donald Duck’s head without copying or tracing anything. Why not have a go? Please read Chapter Seven of ‘Perry Craven’. The hardest part about writing this chapter was trying to describe the landscape or scenery – not my strongest point. Could you have a go at describing a landscape eg a woodland, a deserted beach (use an image from the internet to help you) or even describe the view from your bedroom window in as much detail as possible. For Maths today, you are allowed to use a calculator. You will be practising something called ‘Trial and Error’, which basically means ‘keep making sensible guesses until you get the right answer’. One of the questions mentions prime numbers. Don’t forget, prime numbers are numbers with only two factors eg 2 (1x2), 3 (1x3), 5 (1x5), 7 (1, 7), 11 (1,11). Over the next few weeks, I plan to do some work on The Solar System. Could you do some research and create either a leaflet/brochure or a Powerpoint, informing younger readers about The Moon? eg Did you know that The Moon is not a planet or a star? Find out how big it is, how it got to be there, how fast it travels, how long it would take to get there in a car, if it has gravity or an atmosphere, how it affects the tides and people’s moods. It’s a fascinating subject. I’ll be speaking to your high school teachers about you today, telling them lots of lovely things about you.

Bore da bawb. It’s June 8th – National Best Friends Day – a good day to tell your best friend how much he or she means to you or even make them a card or write them a poem eg You are the chocolate on my biscuit. The hands on my clock Without you I’m like fish without chips A tick with no tock. Please read Chapter Six of Perry Craven, just to practise your reading and to keep the author a happy chappy. There’s a short piece of writing to do, based on ‘The Split’ Powerpoint. Today’s Maths work is to do with telling time. If you still struggle with this area of Maths, now would be a good time to do some revision, or get your parents to help you understand it a bit better. Three weeks today, some of you will be sitting back in the classroom.

Hello, good people of Year Six. Today is World Environment Day. It’s also National Gingerbread Day. What do you think are the top five environmental issues facing our world today? Write a list and then find out what they actually are. Were you right? Please read Chapter Five of ‘Perry Craven and the Holy Quail.’ Look at the Powerpoint ‘Father and Son’ and have a go at the writing activity. I’ve given you some Maths problems to do with Time. Don’t forget to ask your parents or older brothers/sisters to help you if you need it. Or send me a message. It would be interesting to know your thoughts and feelings about coming back to Millbrook at the end of June. Mr M

Bore da. June 4th – National Hug Your Cat day. You have probably heard the exciting news. As from June 29th, you will have the opportunity to return to Millbrook. Sadly, all twenty-four of you won’t be able to come at the same time. Over the next few weeks, Mrs Watkins and the teachers will be trying to work out a safe plan of action. Meanwhile, could you please read Chapter Four. Having read Chapters 3 and 4, you should have a good idea of what Sir Dexter might look like and Rosie, his robotic horse. I know what I think they look like in my imagination, but I would love to see some drawings. For Maths, there’s some fairly easy work on rounding and then some work on reading length on scales. Please look at the Powerpoint, ‘A Day in the Life of..’ , read the text, think about the questions and have a go at the short piece of writing. Hope to see you in just over three weeks. Mr M

Wednesday. June 3rd is Global Running Day, National Egg Day and World Bicycle Day. I challenge you to celebrate all three. Please take a look at Sam’s work on Sir Isaac Newton and Dani’s cover designs for ‘Green’. I’ve given you some more percentage work. Please don’t use a calculator. However, it is important to know how to use calculators to find percentages. So, to find 25% of 450, you would press 4, 5, 0, x, 2, 5, % (ignore the commas). Please read Chapter Three of Perry Craven and the Holy Quail, which is called Topsy Turvy. In this chapter, Perry wakes up one morning and the world is not quite right eg cats are chasing dogs. Can you have a go at writing something similar eg a diary entry. You could start with , ‘Today has been the weirdest day ever...’ I would love to read your ideas. I've also posted a table similar to yesterday's, but this time about animals and their young eg a baby lion is called a cub. I think you'll find some of the answers interesting and unexpected.

Good morning everyone. Bore da. I’ve only just realised that we’re in June already. The month of June is a named after Juno, the wife of Jupiter, king of the Roman gods. The name ‘June’ means ‘young’. In Roman mythology Juno was the protector/protectress of women and of marriage. In modern times June is therefore known as the bridal month. Lots of people get married in June ‘Protectress’ is the female version of ‘protector’, just like a female actor is sometimes known as an actress. However, a female doctor is not a doctress. Confusing. I’ve set up a table for you to see if you can find the male and female words for different animals. There’s a Powerpoint called ‘Gravity’. The man who is supposed to have discovered that gravity exists is Sir Isaac Newton. Can you do some research and present some interesting facts about him? Only use information that you understand. No copying and pasting. Please read Chapter Two of ‘Perry Craven and the Holy Quail’, which is called ‘Widdershins’. It sounds like a made-up word, the kind of word that Roald Dahl would invent, but it’s a real word – look it up. Have you ever thought about making up nonsense words for the things around you eg a cloud could be a flufflepuff? You could use some of them to write a little illustrated storybook for young children. You could even include some pop-ups. Please don’t use a calculator for the Percentage work. Don’t forget that once you’ve found 50% (half) and 10% (a tenth or divide by ten) you can use these to find other percentages eg 5%, 20%. To find 1%, you divide by 100. Make the most of the sunshine. Mr M

Welcome back, lovely Year Six people. Hope you’ve enjoyed a lovely week off with your families. I’ve been busy working on a story called ‘Perry Craven and the Holy Quail’. The main character is a boy who refuses to step outside of his comfort zone. He is afraid of challenges and new situations. This really annoys his two best friends. The first two chapters are really all about showing you Perry’s personality. After that, Perry will be thrown into a completely new situation, a situation in which he is forced to face new challenges in order to survive. Could you please read Chapter One? Could you write a short piece about some scary challenges that you had to overcome, but you’re glad you overcame them. Read the ‘Wild Horses’ extract, think about the questions relating to it. Hopefully, I’ve made it clear what a collective noun (a flock of birds, a swarm of bees, a pride of lions) is, so you can do some research and complete the ‘collective nouns’ chart (twelve questions), which is part of the Powerpoint. I’ve posted some lovely Maths questions for you, all to do with number cards. They’re not too hard, but don’t be afraid to get grown-ups to help you, if you need help. I would imagine that over the last few months, we’ve all learned something new about ourselves, what we value, how we like spending our time. Would you please be willing to share some of your thoughts and feelings about what you have learned about yourself recently? Have you changed in any way? As usual, these are all suggested activities. If it’s too much, do what you can. Stay well and stay healthy. If you need help from me, contact me through Google Classroom or use my e-mail address: Oh, by the way, I have a new phone cover, bought for me by my daughter. I’ve sent you an image of what it looks like. Best wishes Mr M

I can’t believe we’ve reached half-term. Hope you’re all hanging on in there and enjoying spending time with your families. Hopefully, you’re getting some fresh air and exercise. I’ve only left two small pieces of work today – English and Maths. You are allowed to use a calculator on these particular Maths questions. Some of them are trial-and-error. Keeping pushing buttons until you get the right answer. After half-term, I’ll be posting a chapter a day of a story I’ve been working on called Perry Craven and the Holy Quail. If any of you fancy writing a story, I would love to read it. Even though it is half-term, I am still available for a chat if anyone needs me next week or if you’re worried about anything . Stay safe and stay strong Mr M

Bore da, everyone. Thor’s Day again! Déjà vu. May 21st is quite an important day in History. On this day in 1927, Charles Lindbergh completed the first non-stop flight across the Atlantic Ocean, landing in Paris. He had an aeroplane with him, of course. On this day in 1931, Amelia Earhart became the first woman to make a solo air crossing of the Atlantic Ocean – from Canada to Ireland. She had an aeroplane too. Find out what happened to her. It’s a strange mystery. For a laugh, there are some funny films of man’s early attempts at flight eg Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines. We’ve finished ‘Green’ – or some of us have – but I still haven’t got a front cover for it. It would be great if someone could design one, either on paper or using Pic Collage or Powerpoint. Trees are very important to the story and obviously the colour green. If you haven’t read ‘Green’, design an alternative cover for your favourite book – maybe back cover, blurb and spine too. Or create a cover for a book that hasn’t yet been written. When flowers die, it is important that new flowers go, so they have various ways of making sure that, as they die, their seeds are spread or dispersed somewhere away from them, so that they can grow. One way is birds swallow the seeds, then fly off and excrete them (poo). Some seeds have hooks which latch onto the fur of passing animals like rabbits , then fall off somewhere else. Can you please find information about how plants disperse their seeds and create a poster explaining it to younger children, using images and text? I’ve posted some missing number Maths questions for you. Not many. Shouldn’t take you long. If anybody fancies writing down your thoughts and feelings about what has happened over the last few months, I would love to read them. It’s probably a mixture of positive and negative things. For example, I miss my friends. However, I have been going for walks and, as a result, have chatted to neighbours who I have never talked to before and now have some new friends. I’ve also had time to practise the piano a bit. I’m still not very good, though. I’m missing you all and I’m so sorry your last year in Millbrook hasn’t gone according to plan.

It’s Wodin’s Day, yet again. Dydd Mercher. Those of you who have been reading ‘Green’, (I’m hoping Dani’s not the only one!) we have come to the end of the journey – Chapter Sixteen – the final chapter. If you haven’t read it, feel free to start at Chapter One. Lol. If you have read it, I would love some feedback, good or bad. Tell me what you liked about the story and maybe what you didn’t like. If the book wasn’t called ‘Green’, what else could it be called? Can you do some research and find out about POLLINATION – basically how insects like bees help flowers make new flowers. Using your research, can you create a comic-strip to show the process (an A4 piece of paper divided into six or eight equal boxes, telling the story of pollination). I’ve collected together some Maths Problems all about length for you to try. Enjoy!

Tuesday again, Tiw’s Day. Tiw was a Norse or Viking god. Please read the penultimate chapter of ‘Green’. But first, find out what ‘penultimate’ means. Sticking with our ‘plant’ theme, can you design a poster showing the life cycle of a flowering plant. Two words you will need to know about are germination and pollination. Find out what they mean. I think we are all very aware at the moment how important kindness is. Can you write an illustrated acrostic poem using the letters of KINDNESS? Just a little kindness /Can go such a long,long way/ It can give someone real hope/ And a much brighter day/ If we choose to treat others /With generosity, respect and love/ Always trying to be kind and forgiving/ God will smile down from above. I didn't make that up. But you might be able to create something similar. You could make a Kindness card and write a poem inside. As I’m so kind, I’ve posted some Maths money questions to challenge you (and maybe your parents too!) Choose the ones you want to have a go at.

Bore da bawb. And welcome to another week. Hope you’re not missing your friends too much. Only three chapters of ‘Green’ to go. Please read Chapter Fourteen. Can you find some poems about trees or woodland or forests. Maybe one of them will inspire you to write your own. Do you remember how to write a kenning poem? Two words per line, the second word ends in ‘-er’. So, if you wrote a kenning called ‘Tree’, the first line could be Shelter Giver. Just for fun, I’ve posted some tongue twisters for you to try out. Try and make your own up. Can you find out what four things plants need to help them grow and create a poster for younger children? Could you please carry on with the Theme Park Maths booklet?

Can’t believe it’s Friday again. Hope you’re all okay. If you’d like to do some Maths, please carry on with yesterday’s Theme Park Maths booklet. Yesterday, in my garden, I saw a bird I hadn’t seen before. I had to look it up to identify it. It was a bullfinch. Why not see how many different kinds of birds you can identify in your garden or if you’re out walking? How about trees? Look at their leaf shapes to try and identify them. Find out the difference between a simple leaf and a compound leaf. There are two main types of trees: deciduous and coniferous (cone-bearing). Coniferous trees are also called evergreens. Why? There is an interesting way of measuring the height of a tree using its shadow. Please read Chapter 13 of ‘Green’. The story should be finished in about three chapters. I’ve noticed that one or two of you have taken up photography as a hobby. Look out for beautiful, interesting or strange objects or scenes to take photos of. Sometimes, taking close-ups of things lets you seem them in a different way.

It’s Thor’s Day again. May 14th. Can you please have a go at Mrs Watkins’ Leaf and Butterfly Challenge. You’ll find the details if you click on the Children section of the school website and then click on Head Teacher Challenge. Can you please read Chapter 12 of ‘Green’ which is all about a trip to Oakwood. Have you ever thought about designing your own Theme Park? What would you call it? Would you have different zones or worlds? What would you call them? Have a look at rollercoaster rides on YouTube. If you had to create a new scary ride, what would it be called? What would be special about it? How much would it cost to go into your theme park? Where would you build it? How would you persuade people to go there? I’ve found a booklet with lots of Maths activities about running a theme-park. A bit challenging but why not try some of them over the next few weeks?

Good morning, lovely people. Have you ever wondered where the month of May get its name from? Well, it’s probably named after a goddess. There was a Roman goddess called Maia Majesta and she was goddess of fertility and spring, very appropriate for the growth and increase we see in the month of May. The Greek name ‘Maia’ means ‘mother, nurse, midwife’ – linked to Mother Nature. Can you please read Chapter 11 of ‘Green’. Can you do some research about deforestation? What does it mean? Find me some interesting facts and figures about deforestation or some other aspect of the environment that interests you - maybe even create a graph using Excel; or create a poster persuading people to look after our trees. If you’ve got the material, make a Bwgan Boggart like the one the children in Chapter 11 do. I’ve shared an e-mail from Lucy Arnold-Matthews, our local biodiversity officer, with a youtube link for you to take a look at. Hope you and your families are safe and well. Mr M

Bore da. Buongiorno. 12th May is Limerick day. Limerick is a place in Ireland but it is also a funny five-line poem that tells a story. Limericks look easy to write but they’re quite challenging to get right. You have to get the rhythm and the rhyme just right. Have a go at writing one. Challenge your parents to write one. Please read Chapter Ten of ‘Green’. I had to do quite a bit of research for this chapter, all to do with the colour ‘green’. Can you try and find out more about the following : Osiris, John Barleycorn, Jack-in-the-Green, The Nym, Gawain and the Green Knight. Human beings get our energy or fuel by eating food. Find out how plants get their energy. It involves something called photosynthesis. Can you create a Powerpoint page explaining photosynthesis to younger children. There’s quite a lot of work there, so I’ll leave Maths for today, unless there is something in particular you want to work on.

Bore da. Buongiorno. Happy MoonDay. May 11th is National Technology Day. Why not have a go at designing and making something – it could be food, it could be using Lego or recyclable materials, whatever you’ve got to hand. Could you please read Chapter Nine of ‘Green’. In this chapter, I mention the Venus Fly Trap. Find out all about it and how it actually moves. Can you find other examples of carnivorous plants? Do they use the same mechanism as the Venus Fly Trap? One of the most famous cities in Italy is Venice. Why is it so unusual? Can you find out ten facts about Venice and create a Powerpoint of the top places to visit in Venice? Or create a leaflet/brochure about Venice, persuading people to go there. I’ve posted some activity sheets for you to revise aspects of Financial Education (money and jobs). You can get adults to help you.

Good morning all. Bore da. I have posted a few things relating to VE day (information Powerpoint, morse code activity sheet, colouring sheet, flags, bunting). Please can you read Chapter Eight of ‘Green’. Can you focus on how I have used dialogue eg Angharad’s Mum and Dad . Can you have a go at writing a piece of dialogue using your family as characters? Don’t forget, new speaker, new line. Speech marks around what the characters actually say. Think about where to put commas and full-stops.

Buongiorno. Wodin’s Day today. Wodin is another name for Odin, father of Chris Hemsworth, I mean Thor. In Chapter 8, Jack draws a Green Man face. If you Google ‘green man’ there should be lots of images. Have a go at drawing one of them or creating your own. There’s lots of information about Green Man mythology, which I used when I carried out research for this book. Also, have a look at ‘Fruitface’ by an Italian artist called Arcimboldo. See if you can create something like that. I’ve sent a reminder of Maths words and skills that you should know in Year Seven. Maybe highlight the things you know you need to work on and practice. Use Mathletics, Purple Mash or fun Maths websites of your choice. On May 6th 1840, the first ever postage stamp was used. See if you can find out what it looked like and what it was called. On May 6th 1954, Roger Bannister of the UK became the first person to run a mile in under four minutes. See if you can find a video-clip on YouTube. I wonder if he ever had any problems with his stairs. Somebody would have had to come and fix the banisters for Mr Bannister. Friday is VE day. I’ve posted some information for you. Maybe find out what your parents know about VE day. Teach them something. Apparently, the best way to learn something is to teach it to somebody else.

Hello lovely people. May the fifth be with you! May 5th is important in Mexico. See if you can find out why. Can you please read Chapter Six of ‘Green’. It mentions Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a dream’ speech. Can you see if you can find a YouTube clip of it? As you will see, many, many people were there to hear him make the speech. Where did it take place? The chapter also mentions Red Card to Racism. Can you see what’s on YouTube relating to this subject. Maybe design an anti-racism poster. In the chapter, the teacher reads a poem about Nature. Can you do an online search for poems about Nature/the environment and find one that you like. Possibly illustrate it. Or, of course, write your own poem. One of the most famous Italian composers was Vivaldi. He is most famous for creating a piece of music called the Four Seasons. Can you have a listen to extracts from each of the four seasons. Is the tempo fast or slow? What instruments can you mostly hear? Can you find out ten facts about Vivaldi? Do you know what VE day is and why we will be celebrating it very soon?

Hope you’re all okay. Happy MoonDay. Buongiorno. Italian for Moon is Luna. Could you please read Chapter Five of ‘Green’ and have a go at drawing some of the characters eg Mum, Edwin, Piers, Lisa, Nan. People who play music in orchestras have to read the notes on their music sheets. Sometimes, there are words too, and they are in Italian. Words like presto, crescendo and allegro. Can you do a little bit of research and complete the table of musical terms from Italian to English. There’s a famous piece of music called Bolero by Maurice Ravel. The same tune is repeated many times but it gets louder and louder, leading up to a huge crescendo. Have a listen on You Tube. The ice-skaters Torville and Dean used this piece when they won a gold medal in the Olympics. You can find that on YouTube too. Challenge your mum or dad or another grown-up to read the ‘English is Hard’ sheet. Lots of homonyms (words that look the same but sound different).

Happy Friday everyone. Dydd Gwener. Venerdi in Italian, Vendredi in French – named after Venus, the goddess of love. Friday is named after Frigg, the Norse/Viking goddess of fertility and love. So, in English, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are named after Viking gods – Tiu, Wodin, Thor, Frigg. Then SaturnDay, SunDay and MoonDay. But in Welsh, French and Italian, the days are named after Roman gods – Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn. Fascinating stuff, if you’re a nerd like me. Can you see if you can find out the Welsh, French and Italian for parts of the body. Are there any similarities? I’ve posted details of a Road Safety poster competition if anyone is interested. There are money prizes involved. I’ve given you a nice easy sheet for English about using capital letters correctly for names of people and places. These are called proper nouns. In the high school they will expect you to know this. Chapter Four of ‘Green’ is there just for you to read something by a well-known author. Lol. There are sixteen chapters altogether. The story is actually set in Malpas Church school but I called it St Teilo’s. I’ve given you some more discount questions. Discount is when the full-price of something is reduced, maybe because of a sale. Don’t forget that you can use 50% and 10% (divide by 10) to find lots of other percentages. No calculators allowed, except the one inside your skull. Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Stay safe. Mr M.

Happy Thor’s day. Thursday. Dydd Iau in Welsh. Giovedi in Italian. Jeudi in French. The Welsh, Italian and French have chosen Jupiter rather than Thor to name the day after. In England, Wednesday and Thursday belong to Wodin/Odin and Thor. Don’t forget, England was once invaded by the Vikings. Last day of April today. Its name comes from the Latin word aperit, which means to open. It is considered that April is the month of the growing season and when trees and flowers begin to “open”. It is also believed that the month's name is named after the Greek goddess, Aphrodite (Aphros). On April 30th 1789, George Washington was sworn in as the first president of the United States. I’m bombarding you with facts! Could you please read Chapter Three of ‘Green’ and try and summarize it, using the present tense (try and reduce each page of the chapter to one or two sentences). I collect film music and one of my favourite film composers is Ennio Morricone (In English, his name would be Ian Morrrison). He is famous for writing beautiful melodies and using strange instruments and sounds. Can you use YouTube to listen to the main themes from these three ‘spaghetti westerns’ which starred Clint Eastwood: A Fistful of Dollars; For a Few Dollars More; The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. See what you think. Ciao for now. Mr M

Buongiorno Maple. Dydd Mercher. Mercoledi in Italian. Mecredi in French. Guess what planet or god the name comes from? Wednesday is named after a Norse or Viking god (Thor’s father). Today is International Dance day. Maybe you should get up and have a jig about at some point today. How do you make a handkerchief dance? You put a little boogie in it. My jokes are not getting any better. Can you please read Chapter Two of Green and use any descriptions to draw Jack in his St Teilo School uniform. Draw what you imagine Angharad to look like as well if you want. I’ve found a booklet of fun Maths puzzles and problems for all you mathemagicians out there. Maybe attempt two or three every day. Can you see if you can find at least 12 fascinating facts about Galileo, a very famous Italian scientist. You could start by finding out what his first name was. If you want to share anything you’ve done, you can use Google classroom or my e-mail address, which is

Bore da bawb. Happy Tuesday, Dydd Mawrth, Martedi (Italian), Mardi (French. The Welsh, Italian and French versions are named after Mars, the god of war. The word Tuesday comes from Tiu, or Tiw, the Anglo-Saxon name for Tyr, the Norse god of war. Tyr was one of the sons of Odin, or Woden, the supreme god after whom Wednesday is named. Fascinating stuff, eh? I’m having trouble with ‘Spook Squad’ and would be very, very grateful if any of you could give me ideas for the next chapter or two. Meanwhile, I have a completed novel called ‘Green’, which is sixteen chapters long. I’ve posted Chapter One. The two main characters are Angharad, who is the narrator, and Jack, who just happens to be green. It’s about bullying, racism and being eco-friendly. I had to do quite a bit of research to find out about myths and legends about people with green skin. Could you please read the first chapter and use the gingerbread man template to write down facts about Angharad around the outside and personality deductions on the inside? If you’re looking for fun literacy and numeracy activities, I recommend the Literacy Shed website (some great short animated films) and the Numeracy Shed website. For our Italy project, can you find out the five most popular places to visit in Rome and use the information to create a Powerpoint presentation or Pic Collage poster. Don’t forget - try and do some exercise!

Bore da bawb. Buongiorno tutti. It’s Monday – everyone’s favourite day. Dydd Llun. Lunedi in Italian. Lundi in French. Monday is named after the moon. Moonday or Lunar Day. It used to be believed that people went crazy when there was a full moon. That’s where we get the word ‘lunatic’ from. Did you know that the tide coming in and out is influenced by the moon? The Italian for ‘It is sunny’ is ‘C’e il sole’ (sounds like chay eel sorlay). Can you find ten other weather words and write them in Italian and Welsh. There’s a table with columns if you need it. Now is a very important time in the religion of Islam. Muslims have just started Ramadan. What can you find out about Ramadan? Maybe use Powerpoint or Pic Collage to present your ideas. There are lots of fun lessons and activities to fight the boredom on BBC Bitesize and on Twinkl. Why not take a look. You could keep a reading journal about what you’re reading at the moment: make notes about the plot, structure, setting, characters and how they change/develop, themes or messages, the author’s particular style, strengths etc You could keep a diary about your life at the moment, as we are all living through history. These are all just suggestions. Try and keep your brain and body active. Hope you and all your family are all well. Mr M

Happy Venerdi (Italian for Friday) . Vendredi in French, Dydd Gwener in Welsh. I've given you three Maths problems designed to make you think and scratch your head. Can you learn to count to twenty in three languages (English, Welsh, Italian) - you may know more. Have a lovely weekend. Speak next week. Mr M

Happy Giovedi. That's Thursday in Italian. French is Jeudi. Welsh is Dydd Iau. All named after Jupiter, also known as Jove. The most famous Italian children's story is probably Pinocchio. See if you can find out what the name Pinocchio means. Watch the film if you can access it. Find a version to read online. What's the message or theme of the story?

Bore da everyone. Dydd Mercher. Mercoledi - Italian for Wednesday. French is Mercredi. Named after Mercury, the planet and winged messenger of the gods. You learn something new every day - hopefully. See if you can learn some Italian phrases eg Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night, who are you, how are you.....I've attached Chapter Six of Spook Squad if anyone fancies a read.

Bore da, it's Dydd Mawrth or Martedi in Italian. Our main topic this half-term is Italy. Can you find out ten facts about the Italian flag and possibly use them in a Powerpoint or Pic Collage. In case you've forgotten, Rome is in Italy. Can you please revise Roman numbers

Hi lovely people. Hope you're all okay and hope you enjoyed Easter in these unusual times. Some time this week, I'm aiming to phone all of you and see how you're doing and if you need any help. I'm in the middle of writing your reports and it would help me greatly if you could tell me if you belong to any school clubs or are on the School Council. Also, could you please tell me about your reading tastes, favourite authors etc and if you play any musical instruments. If you have any work that you've done and you want me to look at it, you can also use this e-mail Apart from the attachments, if you want to find out more about film-making, there are various YouTube videos about close-ups, extreme close-ups, medium shots, long shots, tracking shots, tilts and pans.

Cant' believe it's nearly Easter. Hope you're all being good for your mums and dads. Missing you all.

Bore da bawb. Hope you're all okay. Chapter 4 attached. A maths test to practise/revise addition and subtraction skills. I've also attached a writing frame for a discussion/debate about whether animals should or should not be kept in captivity. There are some notes to help you but there's loads of information online too. More anagrams!

Good morning lovely people. Chapter Three enclosed. Think about the four main characters and how they are all have different personalities. With the range, mode, median and mean work, you could make up your own questions. One of the best ways to learn something is to teach somebody else eg mum, dad, brother, sister, nan. If you'd like to do some writing, keep a diary of what's going on at the moment - it' s living history. Also, write a detailed description of the view from your bedroom window. You could even try and draw it and then draw a window frame over it (in quarters). There's a long list of spellings to learn if you're really bored.

Some daily English and Maths activities for this week....

Bore da. Please feel free to send me any work in our Google classroom. Dani, Maddie, Luke, Sam and Jakub are already in there. When we get back to school, we'll be finishing off The Butterfly Lion and having a class debate about whether or not animals should be kept in captivity eg zoos. See if you can put together a list of pros and cons on this topic. Do some online research. Also, find a list of phrases/expressions that people use in a debate. i've posted Chapter Two of my comedy/horror story , 'Spook Squad', if you fancy a read. Also, there are some Y5/6 spellings to learn. Test your mum and dad. With the algebra problems, dont forget BIDMAS - always multiply before you add

Bore da everyone. I've written a Goosebumps-type novel called Spook Squad (comedy horror). I've posted the first chapter for you to read. Feel free to give me any feedback on it. Also, it would be great if you could try and write the next chapter or what might happen next. I've also posted another anagram activity, a quick revision Powerpoint about angles, some Maths problems focusing on vocabulary and a Food Chains powerpoint . Try and design your own.

Home Learning Ideas:



1. Family tree work - can you be an historical investigator and find out more about your family tree? Research as much as you can and draw and write about it. You can present this in any way that you choose: on a computer, with paper and pen or through collage etc


2. Produce a PowerPoint presentation on a person of your choice who has made a difference. For example, Greta Thurnberg.


3. Explore I Movie and the different film making techniques such as voice over and adding music. 


4. Draw/write a one page poster to teach other children about the 4 purposes of our curriculum 




Other Learning Opportunities:

Disney: Imagineering in a box - free online teaching package

To develop Imagineering in a Box, Disney partnered with Khan Academy, which has been offering online educational resources for students since 2008. The free Imagineering course features 32 videos that showcase real Imagineers from around the world sharing their skills and passions. 

Disney is dedicated to fostering a love of learning in today’s kids and ‘Imagineering in a Box’ has something for everyone. Whether your tween or teen is interested in story development,  conceptual design, or STEM subjects like math and engineering, they will be excited by these modules. 

The Imagineering in a Box videos cover everything from an overview of engineering software to interactive, hands-on projects that can be done without leaving the house. The program was specifically developed to help kids relate the Disney stories they already love to the skills they’re introduced to in each module. 

One of the best parts of this Imagineering for kids course is that older children and parents can tackle the classes together. At the end of the program, you’ll have a new appreciation for Disney theme park design, character development, and attraction engineering. 

Click on the link here to find out more:



As well as this, we have daily Maths and English activities for you to complete. Click on the links below:



Welcome to Maple Class!

Croeso i Ddosbarth Maple!

Year 6 are pleased to take part in a fantastic film project with Film Cyymru Wales working with Tom Barrance. The focus is for our students to create a 6 minute film on the senses and sensations. We hope to showcase this work to parents and the community. 


Year 6 have been researching the 4 purposes of the new curriculum in Wales. Through this work they discovered different famous people who they felt represented the 4 purposes. 


We have also been working with Kidney Wales to raise awareness of the importance of kidney health. 





Class overview of our learning for parents
