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Millbrook Primary School

‘Learning about caring; caring about learning’

Early intervention

Early intervention and collaboration is vital to ensure that our children achieve success. We strive to work with families from a very early stage. 

One way that we do this is through early collaboration with Flying Start colleagues and with colleagues from other nurseries and non- maintained settings whose children transition to us at Millbrook. 

Staff from both settings work closely together as one team to:

share ideas and professional learning on early years pedagogy- this has helped to develop a consistent approach
Provide children and families with enhanced learning opportunities eg use of the onsite forest school environment
To share learning experiences to support transition eg visits to both settings by both children and families
To exchange information ensuring that we both provide the best possible support


Family learning opportunities begin in Flying Start and are continued in Millbrook Little Acorns Nursery. Relationships are built and developed with families from an early stage. This is continued throughout a child’s time in nursery and then into reception and beyond. We conduct home visits for all nursery children to further build relationships and find out what further support may be needed by the child and the family.



Parents & family members have regular opportunities to join us in Flying Start, nursery and throughout the school. This has helped to further forge bonds between families and their children as well as strengthening the positive relationship between home and school.


Parents are our most important partners.

