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Millbrook Primary School

‘Learning about caring; caring about learning’

Transition activities for children joining Millbrook Primary School Nursery in September 2021

We are delighted to welcome our new nursery learners and their parents/carers- receive  to The Millbrook Primary School Family.

Families and children who have confirmed nursery places for September 2021 start will have lots of opportunity to transition to life at Millbrook Primary School in preparation for your start in September.

You and your child will:

- receive a personal phone call from the nursery teacher   (June)

- be invited to a stay and play session where you will have  opportunity to explore the nursery setting, get to know staff and ask any questions. (July)

- be invited to a special teddy bears' picnic where you will meet other children and families and your child will be given a special Millbrook Teddy Bear gift. (July)


We can't wait to welcome you to our nursery and our school where you will play, learn and have lots of fun!

"Learning about caring; caring about learning."
