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Millbrook Primary School

‘Learning about caring; caring about learning’


We value children as the individuals that they are each with their own unique strengths and areas for development.

It is our aim to identify, as early as possible, children who have difficulty in learning, and to support them by providing small group tuition or help from classroom assistants. We also aim to identify children who are gifted or talented and to provide them with suitable support to help develop their talent.


The school's response to pupils with ALN is based upon a code of practice.  The school’s current ALN policy document clearly establishes sound principles, including the curricular entitlement of pupils.  Comprehensive details of each identified pupil are recorded in the ALN Register.  This register is conscientiously maintained by the school’s ALN Coordinator (ALNCo), who takes a lead role in supporting and advising teaching colleagues, classroom assistants, pupils and parents.


One member of the Governing Body is designated as ALN Governor, with the responsibility of maintaining an overview of ALN provision in the school. Mr Owen Williams is our Governor for ALN.


Effective procedures are in place for identifying and assessing pupils with ALN and all members of staff are familiar with these procedures.  Parents are involved in all stages and good use is made of outside support agencies. We make every effort to ensure your child moves forward in a positive way and reach his/her potential.


The school's ALNCo is Miss Bennett and can be contacted on:


A copy of the school's ALN policy and details of the new ALN Act are found below.

Autism Wales Certificate

The Additional Learning Needs Transformation Programme: Frequently Asked Questions.

Parent Leaflets

ALN and Education Tribunal Act 2018 - A Brief User Guide

Principles, Roles and Responsibilities of all Professionals Working with Children and Young People who have ALN
