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Millbrook Primary School

‘Learning about caring; caring about learning’

Willow – Year 1 / Year 2

Rainbow of Hope - Stay safe Willow Class xxx

Monday 13th July

Hello everyone!

It is quite an emotional week saying goodbye to our children, but we hope you have enjoyed coming back to school in our "bubbles."  We would also like to say a huge "GOODBYE!" to the children who have not been able to come back, but we will see you in September! 

Keep looking at the foundation phase twitter, as we are posting lovely photos of our last week in our bubbles together.

Thank you for the wonderful memories Willow Class! I have thoroughly enjoyed being your teacher and I will miss you all very much!


Have a wonderful summer and we will see you in September

Best Wishes


Mrs Caddy, Mrs Smith and Mrs Harvard

Monday 6th July

Hi Willow Class,
It was lovely to see so many of you last week and I am looking forward to spending more time with you all over the next two weeks before the end of term.
This week we are continuing to work on our butterfly and leaf pictures to decorate the school canteen. If you are not able to come to school at the moment, you can still make one at home and bring it into school when you are able to come back and we will add it to the display. 
There are some optional activities below for you to try if you want to have a go.
See you all soon
Mrs Caddy, Mrs Smith and Mrs Harvard

Monday 29th June 2020


It was so lovely to see some of you this morning and I am looking forward to welcoming the rest of you back to school later in the week. 

This week we will be looking at the story 'While we can't hug'. There is a link to the video for you to watch below. 

Although we are unable to see all of you at the same time and we can't hug at the moment, there are still many different ways that we can greet each other and keep in contact with one another. 

This morning in class, we have written letters and drawn pictures for each other, and we would like you to draw a picture or write a letter to your friends for them to see and let them know that you are thinking of them too.

There are also some optional Literacy and Maths tasks for you to have a go at below.

Have a wonderful week, 

Mrs Caddy, Mrs Smith and Mrs Havard

Welcome Back Willow Class!

Monday 22nd June

Hi everyone, I was so happy when so many of you said that you would be returning to school next week! Mrs Smith and I can't wait to see you all again! 

This week I would like you to think of something you are especially proud of that you have done or made during lockdown. You could bring a photo or draw a picture of it to talk to your classmates about. 

We are so excited to be seeing you soon!



Below is the timetable for our return to school in our learning bubble. I have also added some more activities for you below, if you wish to have a go!

Willow Class Timetable for Learning Bubbles

Welcome back Willow class

Still image for this video

Monday 15th June

Hi Willow Class smiley
Hope you are all well and staying safe. This week Mrs Watkins has shared a video about the importance of our family and looking after each other. My family have been very busy, we have been baking, playing games and going out on bike rides together. What have you been doing with your family? I would love you to draw a picture on Purple mash and write a sentence or two telling me about the different things that you have been doing. You can also email me any pictures that you would like to share with me.


Mathletics update
Well done to Myla-Jay and Emillie for both earning a bronze certificate this week on Mathletics! Who will win the next certificate?


Keep smiling Willow Class, missing you all lots smiley
Mrs Caddy, Mrs Smith and Miss Havard

Monday 8th June

Hi Willow Class,
I hope you have all had a wonderful week, we are still missing you all very much!
It has been wonderful to speak to you on the phone, and I really enjoy hearing about all the fantastic and fun things that you have been doing. You are all working so hard and I am very proud of you!
This week, Mrs Watkins has shared a video all about worries. You may be feeling a little worried or anxious about things at the moment and that's okay, it is perfectly natural to feel worried. There are things that you can do to help you with your worries. Mrs Watkins talked in the video about sharing your worries with a special toy or doll, or telling a trusted adult about what may be worrying you. 
Another suggestion is to write your worries down on a piece of paper and put them in a jar or a little box. 
Remember - it is perfectly normal and okay to worry, and it will help if you talk or share your worries with someone you trust. 

Have a look at the following video about a little girl called Ruby and how she dealt with her worry.


Below is a free printable of a worry jar if you wanted to write some of your worries down. I have also included a free printable of worry-coping cards that give some suggestions of  strategies that you can use to help you to deal with any worries or anxieties that you may be having.


There are some activities below if you would like to have a go at some literacy and math tasks. I will also set an optional task on Purple Mash for you to do.

Well done to Emillie, Olivia and Elsie for each earning a bronze Mathletics certificate this week. 
Who will win our next certificate? 


Have a wonderful week and keep Smiling Willow class - you are all amazing!

Mrs Caddy, Mrs Smith and Miss Havard

Worry Jar Printable

Worry-Coping Cards

Welcome to Summer Term Willow Class!



Monday 1st June 2020             

Hi Willow Class,

I hope you have all had a lovely and relaxing half term with your family.

This week Mrs Watkins has made a video all about taking care of others and the things around us. The act of caring for someone/something else is very powerful! It shows others that you are thinking of them and it can leave people feeling very happy and loved. Maybe you have cared for the plants in your garden to help them grow, or you have a pet that you love and care for. Perhaps you have done something for someone else to show them that you care. It can be something simple like a phone call, or drawing a picture for a loved one. Little acts of kindness to show someone that you care can mean a lot to others and make their day extra special.
What can you do to show someone that you care about them or that you care for the world around you? If you do anything this week and would like to share it with me, please send a picture or a message via the Millbrook Family Room Facebook page or please email me

Below is an inspirational quote from Charlie Mackesy about caring. I have also included some photos of my family taking care of our pets, ensuring that they have a clean home and fresh water and food. There is also a picture of a cake that my children made to give to family who were are not able to see at the moment, but it shows them that we care about them and are thinking of them.
There are some Optional maths and Literacy tasks below and I will also add a purple mash task for this week. 
Have a wonderful week Willow Class, we miss you xxx



Welcome to the Summer Term Willow Class!

This term we will be learning all about Ancient Egypt.


Monday 18th May

Hi Willow Class! I hope you have had a good week. I listened to Mrs Watkins message about kindness and I am going to try to do something each day - this may be kind words to someone in my family or a kind gesture etc. Draw a heart for yourself each time you do this, how many can you get? 


Thursday is Outdoor Learning Day, so this week I would like you have a good at one of the following tasks and please email me a picture of your work:

1)Can you use a use some natural resources that you find in your garden or when you are out on a walk to make a pattern or a picture?
Have a look at the examples below to give you some ideas. You can be as creative as you want. 



2) Make a Bird feeder. Have a look at the following Cbeebies website for some ideas of a bird feeder that you can make. Then wait and see what different types of birds use your feeder. There is an example below that my son made:






We would still like you to make a leaf and a butterfly to decorate the school canteen if you haven't already done so. Please watch the following video to find out more:


Have a go at this fun quiz from Nosy Crow books and learn more about  children living in Ancient Egypt:




Watch this video to find out more about the history of Egypt


Can you tell me about 3 different facts that you learned from watching the video?
I would also like you to find out what the flag of Egypt looks like. Can you draw or make a collage of the flag and email it to me at

Have a look at the beautiful flag that Elsie made below for some inspiration!






Task 1: Each day I will add a chapter of the story 'Magic in the moonlight' for you to read on Purple Mash. There will be daily tasks set on Purple Mash for you to do in relation to the text. 


Task 2: As our topic this term is Egypt, can you draw a picture of the Egyptian Pyramids and find out something interesting about them?






Well done to everyone who has been working hard at Mathletics

Congratulations to Olivia, Elsie, Mikale, Lily P and Emillie for earning a bronze certificate this week and another congratulations to Emillie for earning a Silver certificate!

Excellent work Willow Class - I am very proud of you all!
Who will win the next certificate?



There are plenty of exercise videos on YouTube such as Cosmic Kids and Kids Zumba that you can do from home. Joe Wicks is also adding a daily exercise video for you to follow along to on his website.


Below are some NEW  links to daily literacy and maths activities for you to try.
New activities for this week beginning 4/5/20 have just been added!


Please remember to read daily and maybe you could write a book review of some of the books that you read over the next couple of weeks -  I would love to see them!


I will add weekly tasks for you to do on mathletics so please log in and have a go.


This page will be updated regularly so keep checking back to see any updates!


Most importantly - Please stay safe! We are missing you all and look forward to hearing about what you have been up to when we go back.


Take Care


Mrs Caddy and Mrs Smith






Elsie's Egyptain Flag

Dementia Awareness

World Book Day

Willow Class Overview
