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Millbrook Primary School

‘Learning about caring; caring about learning’

Cedar – Year 4

Week beginning 28.06.21


The weeks are flying by. I cannot believe there are only 3 weeks left before the Summer Holidays. We have lots of fun activities planned before then.

I am sure that everyone has read the letter about Transition. This week on Friday everyone will be spending the day in their new class. Cedar class children will enter school through their normal door in the hall, but at the end of the day it will be slightly different. Both Year 5 classes are upstairs. The children who normally leave at 10 to 3 with brothers and sisters in our school will be brought out onto the outside area near the play yard as normal by the TAs. The only change will be for the children who go home at the normal time. Both Year 5 classes will go home at 10 past 3 and will exit by the side door which leads to the drive and carpark. It may be easier for parents to park in that car park. Teachers and TAs will be with the children to hand them over to parents. I will walk my class out that way during school time on Thursday, so that they know where they will meet you.

There will be NO PE on Friday due to everyone changing classes.

We are continuing our topic about the book called The Mirror and are also doing a mini project on Russia. This week all Key Stage 2 were due to have dance sessions from different countries but it has had to be postponed until July 13th in the last week of term.

We will be holding a class sports day session weather permitting. We may ask your child to wear PE clothes on a different day if Friday next week is not looking dry. We will keep checking the weather forecast and let you know.

Week beginning 17.06.21

What a busy week we are going to have! Lots of exciting activities

Monday - Forest school - please can you make sure your child has leggings or jogging bottoms and a cardigan or jumper as there are stinging nettles and brambles growing in forest school. The children can wear shorts underneath and take the long trousers off when we return to class as it is going to be a warm day.

Monday is also Dragon boat Festival day so we will be celebrating by listening to the story and making origami paper boats.

Thursday - We are working with Rhiannon Roberts, the welsh artist we studied and painted in her style when we returned to school after lockdown.

Friday PE with Newport Live. 

It is also Healthy Eating week and so we will be encouraging the children to have healthy lunch boxes this week and discuss what healthy eating entails.

As the weather is forecast to stay warm, please can you make sure the children bring a drink and possibly a sun hat to wear. Some parents are also putting sun cream on their children to prevent sun burn.

Summer Term

Week beginning Dydd Llun 10.5.21

PE - Fridays every week

As the weather is very changeable at the moment, please could your child bring a sweatshirt or hoodie as the Newport Live sessions will always aim to be outdoors.

FOREST SCHOOL - Monday every other week  10.5, 24.5, Further dates to follow after Whitsun half term

Please could your child wear a coat, suitable 'old' clothes and bring wellies as they are likely to get dirty and/or wet as the forest school site is usually muddy and damp.


Blended learning diary 10.05.21

  Dydd Llun Mawrth 15


The wait is nearly over| 
It has been lovely to see you on google meets each week and to receive so many messages and photos. The work that everyone has been doing has been amazing!. We are so proud of you and your Mums and Dads for supporting you.
 It will be fantastic to see you all face to face on Monday.
Just a reminder about Forest school on Monday morning. It has rained a lot over the last few days and over the weekend, so it will be very wet and muddy in Forest school. Please wear your old clothes, a waterproof coat and your wellies or old boots as you are likely to get wet and muddy.

Don't forget your water bottles and fruit snacks. Our times will be the same as they were in the Autumn Term.

Much of the next two weeks will be spent settling the children back into the school routine and learning. We will continue our KS2 topic about Wales and then we will include Easter in the second week. We will be discussing any worries or fears and generally allowing them time to enjoy being with their friends again. We will be making sure that the transition back into school is a happy, smooth and carefree experience 

See you all on Monday!

Dydd Llun Mawrth 8

Bore Da Dosbarth Cedar. You continue to make me feel very proud of all the fantastic work you are doing at home with your parents.

People have been really busy through the week and on weekends. It has been great to see photographs of your work that Mums have sent to me. It has been a real team effort. Ardderchog!

Today it is International Women's Day and next weekend it will be Mother's Day, so we have 2 fabulous opportunities to celebrate the work of women in our homes and far away.

It will be the last week of google meets on Tuesday and Thursday at the usual time of 9.30.

I have missed you all so much and cannot wait to welcome you back to school next week. I look forward to seeing all your smiley faces. We have such a lot to catch up on and tell each other. Not long to wait, only a few more days.

In the meantime I will see you on Tuesday and Thursday.

Take care and stay safe

Mrs Pike, Miss Harris and Mrs Roche

Dydd Mercher Chwefror 24     24.02.21

Bore da dosbarth Cedar

I hope you all had a lovely half term and you that are ready to do lots of amazing work again. Already children have been sending me photos of their welsh home culture.

We will continue to meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9.30.

Next week however, as St David's Day is on Monday 1st March, we will meet on Monday at 11 O' Clock to celebrate our special day and you will be able to dress up in Welsh clothes, rugby shirts or your own culture. We can show each other our home culture projects.

As World Book Day is on Thursday  4th March, when we meet at 9.30 you will be able to dress as your favourite book character or just bring your favourite book.

What a busy week we will have next week! Full of fun and activities 

Take care and stay safe

Week ending  Chwefror 12    12.02.21

Bore da dosbarth Cedar

Well the first half of Spring Term has gone by very quickly and you have all been busy working from home and keeping safe. This half term holiday we normally complete home culture work  for St David's Day and the eisteddfod.
This year the task is a whole school task- you can choose to write, draw, make a model, paint, photograph or even make a video of something/ someone that is Welsh. 
Some examples of things you could do- paint a dragon, make a model of a castle, research a Welsh sports personality/ singer/ writer, research a famous Welsh building, draw or paint one of the emblems of Wales, write out a recipe for welsh food  the choice is yours. 
You can complete this work with your brothers and sisters who are in other classes. You do not need to make something each.
With your task you can photograph it and send it to me or post it on our Google Classroom Page. You can show it to the others in our google meet after half term. If you want to wear your Welsh clothes for our meet on March 2nd then you can or if you don't have anything just wear red. Please do not go and buy something specially. We will talk about it in the meet the week before.
Hope you all have a lovely half term holiday and I look forward to seeing your work.
Take care and stay safe.

 Week beginning Chwefror 1   01.02.21

 Bore da Dosbarth Cedar. Here we are at the beginning of a new month and we had snow again yesterday! This week is Children's Mental Health week, so there will be a few activities for you to try. If you google Children's Mental Health week 2021, it will take you to the website. There are lots of activities for children and parents to try at home. The Millbrook Staff have been videoing themselves doing things that they enjoy and make them happy. We hope you enjoy watching it. I am so amazed and proud of you Cedar class for all the wonderful work you are doing at home. It is Brilliant! Mums and Dads need medals too for all the support and encouragement they are giving you at home. Well done everyone, you are all fantastic! A great team effort! The Live Meet sessions continue to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9.30. It is so nice to see everybody and we can catch up with news. On Tuesdays we have a quiz or play welsh bingo and do show and tell. On Thursdays we collect 'Fantastic facts' and go over learning that we cover in that week. There were quite a few birthdays in January - Happy Birthday to those children. We do try and sing Happy Birthday even though it sounds very strange. February also brings more birthdays as well so we look forward to more singing! As usual children can work on google classroom or in their green books.

Also there is a variety of other learning they can do - CBBC programmes daily, BBC Bitesize, Joe Wicks Daily workout, Newsround 3x daily, ebooks.

If there is anything I can help you with, please do not hesitate to contact me.

you can also put a message on google classroom or contact Miss Harris in the family room. Take care and stay safe

Week beginning Ionawr 25         25.01.21

Bore da dosbarth Cedar, I hope everyone had a good weekend. I am sure you enjoyed playing in the snow. If you have any photos then we would love to see them. It was fantastic getting together on google meet. We were able to see Joshua's Mexican walking fish and Evan and Lily's fossils. We also celebrated another birthday. I enjoy seeing everyone's smiley faces and people are eager to share their news. I am sure that you enjoy seeing each other too. You are such an amazing class and I am very proud of how hard you are all working at home. Keep thinking like the champions you are! As a school one of our core values is Resilience and you are showing how brilliant you are at never giving up. Mum's are sharing the work you do in your green books and photos of you working. So well done Mums! I think they deserve dojo points as well. Lots of people are handing in work on google classroom and remembering to click on the register. Bendigedig and diolch yn fawr.

I hope you enjoy the Santes Dwynwen activities on Monday when it is Dydd Santes Dwynwen and Miss Harris and I will see you at 9.30 on Tuesday.

Please feel free to contact me if you need anything     

Take care and stay safe

                                                                                      Cedar Class Poem

Cedar class you are the best,

we miss you more each day.

We hope you're having fun at home,

as you learn, grow and play.

Enjoy time with your families,

play with brothers and sisters too,

have lots of fun at home Cedar,

We can't wait to see you!

The time will come to go to school,

we will learn together soon.

Meanwhile smile and be happy.

We will see you all very soon!

Dydd Llun Ionawr 18.        18.01.21
Bore da dosbarth Cedar.  I hope you had a lovely weekend. I really enjoyed looking at all of the work that you completed last week! it was fabulous! I  am looking forward to another brilliant week. Dont forget that work can be done on line or in your green books.

There are activities on BBC each day. The times on last weeks timetable are the same but the activities may differ each week.Joe Wicks is continuing to do his daily workout.

We will be meeting again this week - and every week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9.30 am, it would be great to see you join in. Look on our streaming page on google classroom for the links. Last week it was so nice to see everyone and catch up with the news. We helped to celebrate two birthdays even though the singing was a little bit out of sinc. We had some fun doing a quiz with Miss Harris as well. 

We are so proud of you of you all!   

Remember, you can always contact me on my school email or on google classroom or Miss Harris’ family room

Take care and stay safe


week beg 11.01.21
Bore da everyone. It was lovely seeing so many of you in the class meet yesterday. I know some people had technical problems getting on. Hopefully it will be better when we meet tomorrow.

Just in case you are having problems accessing google classroom or you have run out of things to do. Here are some fun non screen activities you may want to try.

Take care and stay safe

  Dydd Llun Ionawr 4 2021

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda- Happy New Year Everyone.

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a good holiday. 

Here is the first Blended Learning Menu for this year. Online learning using Google Classroom will start on Wednesday so look out for the posts. 

If you need to contact me for your log in details and passwords please email me on and I will be able to send them  to you. Also if you have any questions about the work please use my email to ask questions or put a message on google classroom. Its been wonderful to see so many people accessing the classroom on the 2 days, when we finished school early before Christmas and I hope you enjoyed trying out the activities.

 I look forward to seeing you and welcoming you back to class when schools re-open. 

Remember to take care and stay safe 

14th December 

What a fun week we had last week, full of Christmas activities and excitement. It was lovely to see everyone in their Elf costumes, party clothes and Christmas jumpers. We loved performing our song for you all, so I hope you enjoyed it. We have had some amazing comments about it. Well done Cedar Class!1 Bendigedig.

It doesn't seem that long ago when we started our journey back to school in September. We are so proud of the way the children have worked so hard and kept smiling throughout this difficult time. Thank you parents for your hard work and support. As we finish school on Wednesday there are some blended learning activities on Google classroom for Thursday and Friday. The work can be done on line or in their green books. Remember to keep up with your Well being diary. Passwords will be sent home again this week in case the children have forgotten their Hwb log in details.

Wishing everyone A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. Hope you all have a fabulous Christmas and I look forward to seeing you all in the new year - 2021

Monday 30th November

Croeso pawb.

Welcome back everyone! It is great to be back in school together. I missed you so much. Thank you everyone for working so hard when you were at home. I could tell you were all 'thinking like champions' I saw some amazing work on google classroom and in your green books so Bendigedig. Dojos for everyone.

We missed our slot last week in forest school and so we are not due for a session this week. Therefore you will not need your wellies this Thursday. PE will be as normal on Friday. On Friday we will all be decorating our classrooms.We are busy preparing a surprise for you at Christmas and we have also been asked if we could share it with our community. We will send out a form asking for your permission. Next week is busy too. I know there is a newsletter on the school website but just in case you haven't been able to access it, here are some dates for your diary

Monday 7th December - elf day - come dressed as an elf and watch our panto

Wednesday 9th December - Christmas lunch served in class

Thursday 10th December - Christmas Party - party clothes NO FOREST SCHOOL

Friday 11th December - Christmas jumper day - donations will be collected on line - Just giving page - NO PE

Bore da pawb! 
Hope you all had a good weekend. Lots of you have been busy posting your work on google classroom using adobe spark and google docs. Bendigedig everyone what fantastic work. You are also helping each other with your comments of support and encouragement AMAZING! I’m so proud of you all Cedar class. 
There are a few addition worksheets on google classroom just in case you did not want to make your own numbers up. There are also activities set on Mathletics- addition, measuring, fractions, place value, times tables all the things we have been doing in class recently

16th November 

It was lovely to make contact with the families last week with our virtual Parent Consultations. Thank you all for making time to talk to me about your children. It is amazing how they have all settled back into the routine of school despite all the changes.

Friday's Children In Need was a huge success and we raised £339. This was a wonderful effort by everyone. Thank you for your support


Here is the Blended Learning Menu for the next 2 weeks.  Some of the tasks link to the work that we have completed in class. 



Here is a link to some reading books you may find useful for home reading. Thank you for your support.

Monday September 21st

The start of the term has been a busy one. The children have been so amazing following the new times and routines throughout the day. The whole class have settled very well. Miss Harris and I are really pleased to see so many happy, smiling faces every day.


Here is an outline of the work to be covered during the autumn term. Our work will be based around the story 'Where the forest meets the sea' We will look at Australia - where it is, its climate and history. Rainforests - the plants and creatures who live there. Dinosaurs - as the boy in the story finds a dinosaur bone. The book deals with sustainability issues and as climate change and looking after our world are in the media constantly, it is a great opportunity to discuss how we can look after our environment. Please feel free to research any aspect of our topic at home


PE will be on a Friday.  Please send the children into school wearing their PE kit and suitable footwear for running around outdoors. As the weather gets colder you could send in jogging bottoms or leggings as we will be outdoors as much as we can.



We also have a fortnightly session using forest school:- The first session will be on Thursday morning (next week 24th September) then every 2 weeks.  Could the children either bring wellies or old shoes and a coat. (The area can get muddy in autumn/winter). 

We have been practising logging in, so we are encouraging the children to log in to Mathletics and Purple Mash at home.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me on my email address




Croeso nol

Welcome back everyone

It has been so nice to welcome all the children back to class this week. Everyone has come in smiling and eager to work. We missed you, school is such a lovely place to be in. Remember to look after your bear. You can send us pictures if you take any. Have a good weekend and we will see you on Monday.

Mrs Pike


14th October

Bore da bawb

Every 2 weeks a new Blended Learning Menu for Cedar will be put up on the Class Page. There are ideas for things to do at home which will compliment the work being covered in class. It will also be put up on the class Google Classroom Page. The work can be completed in their green workbook or on Google Classroom. We have been practising accessing google classroom via Hwb so that the children are familiar with the process. All the log in details are in their green books.

Half term is fast approaching and time has gone by so quickly. We have had a busy, fun packed time in school. The whole class has settled really well.

