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Millbrook Primary School

‘Learning about caring; caring about learning’

Hazel - Year 6

Croeso i'r Dosbarth Hazel!


Mrs B Sharpe – Class Teacher

Miss D Stanton - Teaching Assistant


Please follow our Twitter (X) page @MillbrookY6 (Dosbarth Hazel)


General Information:


Bus Information - BUS NUMBER 5 - Miss D Stanton and Miss K Harris


All children need to be in full school uniform. Please ensure all uniform is clearly labelled with your child's name. We will write this in if necessary. NO necklaces, hooped or dangly earrings or rings are to be worn in school. This is for health and safety reasons. 


Please make sure your child brings in a piece of fruit for snack and water in a water bottle. 


Schools dinners are free to all of our children. Our school dinner menu can be viewed on the school website. Children will select their meal on a daily basis. 


If your child has asthma, please bring a pump (labelled) to be kept in school. Please let us know if your child takes any regular medication.


PE Days - Monday 

Children in Y2-Y6 can wear their PE kit into school. Please ensure your child wears black shorts/ tracksuit bottoms, coloured house PE top and trainers. A plain black hoody would be advisable during colder weather. 

Forest School Day - Friday 

Please bring a pair of wellies or old shoes for Forest School sessions. If you would like to send a change of clothes as the weather changes that will support us in being able to achieve these sessions successfully.


Although we have scheduled sessions for Forest School, there will be other occasions during the week that we will utilise the outdoors. Please keep this in mind when sending your child to school as we would like to go outside, whatever the weather! As Welsh weather is constantly changing, sending your child in with a coat would be really helpful so that they can participate fully with any outdoor activities. 


Reading Books - Thursday

Your child will come home with a reading book that is suitable to their reading level and a book that they have chosen from our class library. Please return these every Thursday alongside a comment in their reading record about how they have read that week.

Here is a list of recommended books to read: 



Our topic during the Autumn term is 'How to Change the World'.



Bus duty day: Tuesday mornings


Please use the school email address if your child is absent for any reason.




Thank you for your continued support,


Mrs Sharpe




